from wand.image import Image
from wand.api import library

with Image(filename='wizard:') as img:
    # Grab image size
    cols, rows = img.size
    # Define our target location ... say 1/3rd, by 1/5th
    tx, ty = int(cols * 0.33), int(rows * 0.2)
    # Find middle of the image.
    mx, my = cols // 2, rows // 2
    # Roll target coord into middle
    ok = library.MagickRollImage(img.wand, mx-tx, my-ty)
    if not ok:
    # Implode
    # Roll middle back into place.
    ok = library.MagickRollImage(img.wand, mx+tx, my+ty)
    if not ok:
    # done'output.png')
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