
// get the webhook response
$body = @file_get_contents("php://input");

// decode the json data into a php object
$response = json_decode($body);

// the webhook property tells us exactly which webhook event was fired
// so let"s create a case for a few webhooks
switch ($response->webhook)
    case "sale_new":
        // Someone purchased your add-on, your code goes here

    case "case_created":
        // A support case was created, your code goes here

    case "usercount_changed":
        // The number of users has changed for a customer"s license key, your code goes here

    case "question_created":
        // A question has been asked about your add-on, your code goes here

class SugarOutfittersHelper
    public static function sale_new($response)
        // get the data from the event
        // a new sale gives you the addon, lineitem, member and licensekey objects related to the purchase
        $addon = $response->data->addon; // the addon that was purchased
        $lineitem = $response->data->lineitem; // we give you the lineitem because you may have multiple purchase plans for an add-on
        $member = $response->data->member; // your new customer!
        $licensekey = $response->data->licensekey; // if you"re using SugarOutfitters lincense keys, the details of the license key are listed here

        // write whatever logic you need to kick off a new sale (below are made up methods...)
        alert_billing_of_new_purchase($addon->name, $lineitem->plan_name, $member->name, $member->email);

    public static function case_created($response)
        // get the data from the event
        // a case created event
        $case = $repsonse->data->case;
        $member = $response->data->member;
        $addon = $response->data->addon;

        // write whatever you want to occur when a new case is created (below are made up methods...)

    public static function usercount_changed($response){}
    public static function question_created($response){}
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