const objectExample = {hello: "🌎", goodbye: "🌙", nested: {inner: "🐦"}, array: [37]}
console.log("Using Object.entries and a .forEach loop to console log key and value pairs:")
Object.entries(objectExample).forEach(keyValuePair => {console.log("  ",...keyValuePair)})
// The spread operator is used as a quick way to expand the array [key, value]

console.log("Alternatively, you can destructure the keys and values using a for...of loop:")
for(const [key,value] of Object.entries(objectExample)) { console.log(`  ${key}: ${value}`) }
// Note that const is optional but recommended

// A for...of example without const - defaults to var in the global scope
for([key,value] of Object.entries(objectExample)) { `${key}: ${value}` }
console.log("Careful! Using var means key and value are still accessible in global scope")
console.log(`  ${key}: ${value}`) // These vars pollute the global scope and could lead to bugs
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