#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;
    int data;

struct stack
    struct node *data;
    struct stack *next;

void push(struct stack **top, struct node *n);
struct node *pop(struct stack **top);
int isEmpty(struct stack *top);

int tree_traversal(struct node *root)
    struct node *temp = root;
    struct stack *s_temp = NULL;
    int flag = 1;
    while (flag)
        if (temp)
            printf("%d ", temp->data);
            push(&s_temp, temp);
            temp = temp->left;
            if (!isEmpty(s_temp))
                temp = pop(&s_temp);
                temp = temp->right;
                flag = 0;

void push(struct stack **top, struct node *n)
    struct stack *new_n = (struct stack *)malloc(sizeof(struct stack));
    new_n->data = n;
    new_n->next = (*top);
    (*top) = new_n;

int isEmpty(struct stack *top)
    if (top == NULL)
        return 1;
        return 0;

struct node *pop(struct stack **top_n)
    struct node *item;
    struct stack *top;
    top = *top_n;
    item = top->data;
    *top_n = top->next;
    return item;

struct node *create_node(int data)
    struct node *new_n = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
    new_n->data = data;
    new_n->left = NULL;
    new_n->right = NULL;
    return (new_n);

int main()
    struct node *root;
    root = create_node(8);
    root->left = create_node(5);
    root->right = create_node(4);
    root->left->left = create_node(7);
    root->left->right = create_node(6);
    return 0;
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