  dom: 'Bfrtip', // Configure the order of the components: Buttons, filtering, processing, table, and paging
  select: {
    style: 'multi', // Enable multiple row selection
    selector: 'td:not(:last-child)', // Only allow selecting rows by clicking on cells, except for the last column
    info: true, // Show the number of selected rows in the table information element
    blurable: false, // Do not deselect rows when clicking outside the table
    items: 'row', // Select items by row
    toggleable: true // Allow rows to be deselected
  searchPanes: {
    threshold: 4,
    initCollapsed: true
  buttons: [
      extend: 'selected', // Make the button available only when a row is selected
      text: 'Selected Rows Action',
      action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
        const selectedRows = dt.rows({selected: true}).data();
        alert('You have selected ' + selectedRows.count() + ' rows');
      extend: 'selectAll', // Create a button to select all rows
      text: 'Select All Rows'
      extend: 'selectNone', // Create a button to deselect all rows
      text: 'Deselect All Rows'
  columnDefs: [
      searchPanes: {
        show: true,
        options: [
            label: 'Custom Filter',
            value: function(rowData, rowIdx) {
              return rowData.someColumn === 'Some Value'; // Apply a custom filter based on the rowData
      targets: [0] // Apply the searchPane settings to the first column
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