<script lang="ts">
  import { Card, Button } from "flowbite-svelte"
  import { superForm } from "sveltekit-superforms/client"
  import type { PageData } from "./$types"
  export let data: PageData

  const { form, errors, enhance } = superForm(data.form, {
    resetForm: true,

<div class="py-20">
  <div class="flex w-full flex-col items-center">
    <div class="max-w-2xl text-center">
      <h1 class="text-4xl font-semibold">Register for an account</h1>
    <Card class="mt-6 w-full" padding="xl" size="md">
      <form method="POST" class="flex flex-col space-y-6" use:enhance>
        <label class="space-y-2" for="full_name">
          <input type="text" name="full_name" bind:value={$form.full_name} />
          {#if $errors.full_name}
            <span class="block text-red-600 dark:text-red-500">{$errors.full_name}</span>
        <label class="space-y-2" for="email">
          <input type="email" name="email" bind:value={$} />
          {#if $}
            <span class="block text-red-600 dark:text-red-500">{$}</span>
        <label class="space-y-2" for="password">
          <input type="password" name="password" bind:value={$form.password} />
          {#if $errors.password}
            <span class="block text-red-600 dark:text-red-500">{$errors.password}</span>
        <label class="space-y-2" for="passwordConfirm">
          <span>Confirm Password</span>
          <input type="password" name="passwordConfirm" bind:value={$form.passwordConfirm} />
          {#if $errors.passwordConfirm}
            <span class="block text-red-600 dark:text-red-500">{$errors.passwordConfirm}</span>
        <Button type="submit" class="w-full">Register</Button>
        <div class="text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-300">
          Already have an account? <a href="/login" class="text-blue-700 hover:underline dark:text-blue-500">Sign in</a>
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