#include <iostream> #include<queue> #include <string> using namespace std; struct patient{ string name; int priority; }; bool operator<(const patient &a, const patient &b){return a.priority<b.priority;} int main(){ priority_queue<patient> q; int choice; do{ cout<<"1. add patient"<<endl; cout<<"2. treat patient"<<endl; cout<<"3. exit"<<endl; cout<<"enter your choice: "<<endl; cin>>choice; switch(choice){ case 1: { patient p; cout<<"enter patient name: "<<endl; cin>>p.name; cout<<"priority-> 1. serious 2. non serious 3. general checkup\n enter priority"<<endl; cin >>p.priority; q.push(p); cout<<"patient added successfully"<<endl; } break; case 2: { if(q.empty()){cout<<"no patient in the queue"<<endl;} else{cout<<"serving patient "<<q.top().name<<endl;} q.pop(); } break; case 3:cout<<"thank you! visit again!"<<endl; break; default:cout<<"Enter a valid choice"<<endl; } }while(choice!=3); return 0; }
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