const cars = [
    model: "Honda Civic",
    coloursByPopularity: ["black", "silver"],
    speedStats: {
      topSpeed: 140,
      zeroToSixty: 8.5
    model: "Tesla Model 3",
    coloursByPopularity: ["red", "white"],
    speedStats: {
      topSpeed: 150,
      zeroToSixty: 3.2

export default cars;

------- App Page --------------

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import cars from "./practice";

const [honda, tesla] = cars;

const {speedStats: { topSpeed: hondaTopSpeed }} = honda;
const {speedStats: { topSpeed: teslaTopSpeed }} = tesla;

const {coloursByPopularity: [hondaTopColour]} = honda; // access to item object and set variable name to the item of the nested object.
const {coloursByPopularity: [teslaTopColour]} = tesla;

      <th>Top Speed</th>
      <th>Top Colour</th>
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