import numpy as np

def enu_to_body_frame(enu_vector, roll, pitch, yaw):
    # Construct the direction cosine matrix (DCM)
    c_roll = np.cos(roll)
    s_roll = np.sin(roll)
    c_pitch = np.cos(pitch)
    s_pitch = np.sin(pitch)
    c_yaw = np.cos(yaw)
    s_yaw = np.sin(yaw)

    dcm = np.array([
        [c_pitch * c_yaw, -c_roll * s_yaw + s_roll * s_pitch * c_yaw, s_roll * s_yaw + c_roll * s_pitch * c_yaw],
        [c_pitch * s_yaw, c_roll * c_yaw + s_roll * s_pitch * s_yaw, -s_roll * c_yaw + c_roll * s_pitch * s_yaw],
        [-s_pitch, s_roll * c_pitch, c_roll * c_pitch]

    # Transform the vector from ENU to body frame
    body_vector =, enu_vector)

    return body_vector

# Example usage
enu_vector = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # Vector in ENU frame
roll = 0.1  # Roll angle in radians
pitch = 0.2  # Pitch angle in radians
yaw = 0.3  # Yaw angle in radians

body_vector = enu_to_body_frame(enu_vector, roll, pitch, yaw)

print("Body frame vector:", body_vector)
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