from customtkinter import * from PIL import Image class adventure_game(CTk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.images = [CTkImage("Timages\\two roads.jpg"), size=(364,456)), CTkImage("Timages\\island.jpg"),size=(402,226)), CTkImage("Timages\\hole.jpg"),size=(595,396)), CTkImage("Timages\\Three doors.png"),size=(420,306)), CTkImage("Timages\\shark.jpg"),size=(400,266)), CTkImage("Timages\\fire.jpg"),size=(589,396)), CTkImage("Timages\\wolves.jpg"),size=(600,400)), ] self.first_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You're at a cross road. Where do you want to go? Type \"left\" or \"right\"", font=("Arial", 16)) self.first_label.pack() self.first_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[0], text="") self.first_image.pack() self.choice1 = CTkEntry(self) self.choice1.pack() self.confirm = CTkButton(self, text="Confirm", command=self.choice_one) self.confirm.pack() def choice_one(self): ch1 = self.choice1.get() # Clear the app window for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() if ch1 == "left": self.second_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You've come to a lake. There is an island in the middle of the lake. Type \"wait\" to wait for a boat. Type \"swim\" to swim across.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.second_label.pack() self.second_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[1], text="") self.second_image.pack() self.choice2 = CTkEntry(self) self.choice2.pack() self.confirm = CTkButton(self, text="Confirm",command=self.choice_two) self.confirm.pack() else: self.second_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You fell into a hole. Game Over.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.second_label.pack() self.second_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[2], text="") self.second_image.pack() # exit button self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.pack() def choice_two(self): ch2 = self.choice2.get() # Clear the app window for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() if ch2 == "wait": self.third_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You arrive at the island unharmed. There is a house with 3 doors. One red, one yellow and one blue. Which colour do you choose?", font=("Arial", 16)) self.third_label.pack() self.third_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[3], text="") self.third_image.pack() self.choice3 = CTkEntry(self) self.choice3.pack() self.confirm = CTkButton(self, text="Confirm",command=self.choice_three) self.confirm.pack() else: self.third_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You get attacked by an angry trout. Game Over.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.third_label.pack() self.third_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[4], text="") self.third_image.pack() # exit button self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.pack() def choice_three(self): ch3 = self.choice3.get() # Clear the app window for widget in self.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() if ch3=="yellow": self.fourth_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You win\nHere's the treasure:-\nIt's a comic website.\n-----------Happy Reading-----------") self.fourth_label.pack() import antigravity from time import sleep sleep(1) self.quit() elif ch3 == "red": self.fourth_label = CTkLabel(self, text="It's a room full of fire. Game Over.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.fourth_label.pack() self.fourth_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[5], text="") self.fourth_image.pack() # exit button self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.pack() elif ch3 == "blue": self.fourth_label = CTkLabel(self, text="You enter a room of beasts. Game Over.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.fourth_label.pack() self.fourth_image = CTkLabel(self, image=self.images[6], text="") self.fourth_image.pack() # exit button self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.pack() else: self.fourth_label = CTkLabel(self, text="Game Over.", font=("Arial", 16)) self.fourth_label.pack() # exit button self.qb = CTkButton(self, text="Exit", fg_color="red", hover_color="pink", text_color="white", command=self.quit) self.qb.pack() app = adventure_game() app.mainloop()
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