# FILE: rock_paper_scissors.py import random def game(your_choice: int) -> list: """ Function to play a single round of Rock-Paper-Scissors game. Parameters: your_choice (int): The player's choice. Should be an integer between 0 and 2, where 0 represents 'rock', 1 represents 'paper', and 2 represents 'scissors'. Returns: list: A list containing the results of the game round. The list elements are as follows: 1. The player's choice. 2. The computer's choice. 3. The result of the round, which can be one of the following strings: - "Tie🤝" if the player and computer made the same choice. - "You won" if the player's choice beats the computer's choice. - "You lost" if the player's choice loses to the computer's choice. """ choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] computer_choice = random.randint(0, 2) # Create a dictionary to map the player's and computer's choices to outcomes outcomes = { (0, 0): "It's a Tie", (0, 1): "You lost", (0, 2): "You won", (1, 0): "You won", (1, 1): "It's a Tie", (1, 2): "You lost", (2, 0): "You lost", (2, 1): "You won", (2, 2): "It's a Tie", } result = [f"Your choice:\n{choices[your_choice]}", f"Computer's choice:\n{choices[computer_choice]}", outcomes[(your_choice, computer_choice)]] return result
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