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				"text": ":calendar-conga: Xero Social Calendar Announcement :party_wiggle: ",
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					"text": "An update from your *Workplace Experience team*"
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				"text": ":wave: *What's Changing?* \n:green_dot: Starting from the *first week of August* WX are implementing a structured social calendar schedule across all of APAC!\n:green_dot: We will have varying engagement pieces in each of our offices ranging from Xero Socials, Breakfast Socials & Customer Connection Foodies\n:green_dot: In order to ensure inclusive experiences in each of our APAC offices the social schedule for each office will be on a rotational schedule"
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				"text": ":calendar: *Auckland Social Structure* \n\n:one: *First Week of the Month* Breakfast Social :croissant::breakfast::bagels: \n\n:two: *Second Week of the Month* Xero Social :urbanaut::pals::corona-beer:\n\n:three: *Third Week of the Month* Customer Connection :customer::handshake::smallbiz1: \n\n:four: *Fourth Week of the Month* Xero Social :urbanaut::pals::corona-beer:"
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				"text": ":question: *What is a Customer Connection?*\nWX is devoted to expanding the possibilities for Xero to connect with our small business customers. This social structure presents a chance for these businesses to enhance their internal experiences with Xero by showcasing their unique goods and/or services specific to each of our offices.\n\n_Want to know more? Separate comms will come soon to showcase WX's initiative with connecting with xero customers_ :yay:"
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				"text": ":google-workspace-calendar: *Auckland Events Calendar* \n\nTo stay up to date with what is going on in our Auckland office, add the events calendar to your Google Calendar here:"
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				"text": "*Add here! :point_right::point_right::point_right:*"
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					"text": "AKL EVENTS CALENDAR",
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				"text": ":airplane: *Visiting another office?*\nKeep up to date with what's happening around APAC on our other office event calendars here!"
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				"text": ":green_dot:  <|Wellington Office>\n:green_dot:  <|Melbourne Office>\n:green_dot:  <|Sydney Office>\n:green_dot:  <|Hawkes Bay Office>\n:green_dot:  <[…]MjRmZmJhODk0MGEwYjQ4ZDllQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20|Singapore Office>"
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				"text": "_*If you have any questions feel free to flick myself a message*_ :human_value:"
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