# Importing the necessary modules from customtkinter library from customtkinter import * # This function will be called when the checkbox is toggled def checkbox_event(): # Create a new CTkLabel widget and display the current value of the checkbox label = CTkLabel(app, text=f"checkbox toggled, current value: {check_var.get()}") label.pack() # Create a CTk application instance app = CTk() # Create a StringVar to hold the value of the checkbox (initially empty) check_var = StringVar() # Create a CTkCheckBox widget with text "Switch" # When the checkbox is toggled, the checkbox_event function will be called # The checkbox's variable is check_var, and its values are "on" (checked) and "off" (unchecked) checkbox = CTkCheckBox(app, text="Switch", command=checkbox_event, variable=check_var, onvalue="on", offvalue="off") # Pack the checkbox widget, adding padding around it checkbox.pack(padx=10, pady=10) # Start the main event loop of the application app.mainloop() """ # ------------------IN OOP------------------ # Create a custom application class "App" that inherits from CTk (Custom Tkinter) class App(CTk): # Constructor of the class def __init__(self): # Call the constructor of the parent class (CTk) using super() super().__init__() # Create a StringVar to hold the value of the checkbox (initially empty) self.check_var = StringVar() # Create a CTkCheckBox widget with text "Switch" # When the checkbox is toggled, the self.checkbox_event method will be called # The checkbox's variable is self.check_var, and its values are "on" (checked) and "off" (unchecked) self.checkbox = CTkCheckBox(self, text="Switch", command=self.checkbox_event, variable=self.check_var, onvalue="on", offvalue="off") # Pack the checkbox widget, adding padding around it self.checkbox.pack(padx=10, pady=10) # Method to handle the checkbox toggle event def checkbox_event(self): # Create a new CTkLabel widget and display the current value of the checkbox label = CTkLabel(self, text=f"checkbox toggled, current value: {self.check_var.get()}") label.pack() # Create an instance of the custom application class "App" app = App() app.mainloop() """
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