type GroupeDataByDate = (arg: { filteredFiles: CustomerFile[] }) => {
	[key: string]: CustomerStatusCardsProps['data'][number]['data'][number][];

const groupeDataByDateDefaultValue: ReturnType<GroupeDataByDate> = {};

export const groupeDataByDate: GroupeDataByDate = ({ filteredFiles }) => {
	try {
	// ! Group files by date
	return filteredFiles.reduce((acc, item) => {
		const computedProjects = parseProjects({ file: item });
		const filesByDate = { title: item.customer, data: computedProjects };
		if (acc[item.updatedAt]) {
			return { ...acc, [item.updatedAt]: [...acc[item.updatedAt], filesByDate] };
		return { ...acc, [item.updatedAt]: [filesByDate] };
		}, groupeDataByDateDefaultValue);
	} catch (error) {
	return groupeDataByDateDefaultValue;
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