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print("Welcome to Treasure Island.")
print("Your mission is to find the treasure.")

l_or_r = input("You're at a crossroad. Where do you want to go type 'left' or 'right'.\n  ").lower()
if l_or_r == 'right':
  s_or_w = input("You are at a lake do you want swim across it or wait for a boat type 'swim' or 'wait'.\n ").lower()
  if s_or_w == 'swim':
    doors = input("You arrived at a island unharmed. There is a house with three doors 'red', 'blue' and 'yellow' which color do you want to choose.\n  ").lower()
    if doors == 'red':
      print("You are burned by fire. Game Over.")
    elif doors == 'blue':
      print("You are eaten by Vampires. Game Over.")
    elif doors == 'yellow':
      print("YAY you WIN!! You found the Treasure, there is lots of Gold, Money and Gifts in that room.")
  elif s_or_w == 'wait':
      print("Your boat has been attacked by piranahas. Game Over.")
elif l_or_r == 'left':
  print("You fell into a hole. Game Over.")
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