rock = '''
---'   ____)

paper = '''
---'   ____)____

scissors = '''
---'   ____)____

print("Welcome to ROCK PAPER SCISSORS !! ")

user_choice = input("What do you choose? Type 0 for Rock, 1 for Paper or 2 for Scissors. \n")

if user_choice == "0":
  print(f"You chose: \n {rock}")
elif user_choice == "1":
  print(f"You chose: \n {paper}")
elif user_choice == "2":
  print(f"You chose: \n {scissors}")

import random

computer_choice = random.randint(0, 2)

if computer_choice == 0:
  print(f"computer chose:\n {rock}")
elif computer_choice == 1:
  print(f"computer chose:\n {paper}")
elif computer_choice == 2:
  print(f"computer chose:\n {scissors}")

if user_choice == "0" and computer_choice == 1:
  print("You lose")
elif user_choice == "1" and computer_choice == 2:
  print("You lose")
elif user_choice == "2" and computer_choice == 0:
  print("You lose")

elif user_choice == "1" and computer_choice == 0:
  print("You won!")
elif user_choice == "2" and computer_choice == 1:
  print("You won!")
elif user_choice == "0" and computer_choice == 2:
  print("You won!")

elif user_choice == "0" and computer_choice == 0:
  print("It's a tie!")
elif user_choice == "1" and computer_choice == 1:              or               elif computer_choice == user_cchoice
  print("It's a tie!")                                                              print("It's a Tie!")
elif user_choice == "2" and computer_choice == 2:
  print("It's a tie!")
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