   Salary Payout:                   Payroll:                         
1- Salary Component        | 1-  Salary Structure Assignment    |
2- Salary Structure        | 2-  Salary Slip                    |
3- Income Tax Slab         | 3-  Payroll Entry                  |
4- Payroll Period          |                                    |
1-Salary Components:
                                    //Chart of Account//
 =>Earning Components:               ____________________
    1- Basic Pay             --->   //Salary Expenses
    2- Dearness Allowance    --->   //Monthly Allowance 
    3- Other Allowance       --->   //Other Allowance
    4- Bonus                 --->   //Bonus
    5- Leave Encashment      --->   //Leave Encashment
    6- OverTime              --->   //Over Time         //it Auto Add from Project, Timesheet//
    7- House Rent Allowance  --->   //House Rent Allowance
    8- Medical Allownance    --->   //Medical Allownance
    9- Conveyance Allowances --->   //Conveyance Allowances
 =>Deduction Components:
    1- EOBI Payable          --->   //EOBI Payable
    2- Tax Payable           --->   //Employee Tax Deducted U/S 149
    3- Absent Deduction      --->   //Salary Expenses
    4- Advance Deduction     --->   //Employee Advances 
    5- Loan Deduction        --->   //Employee Advances
    6- Other Deduction       --->   //Other Account
_____+________Chart of Accounts________+_  --TYPE--
	|  Salary Expenses               |   //Expenses
	|  Dearness Allowance            |   //Expenses 
	|  Other Allowance               |   //Expenses
	|  Bonus                         |   //Expenses
	|  Leave Encashment              |   //Expenses
	|  Over Time                     |   //Expenses
	|  House Rent Allowance          |   //Expenses
	|  Medical Allownance            |   //Expenses
	|  Conveyance Allowances         |   //Expenses
	|  Employee Advances             |   //Current Asset
	|  Employee Tax Deducted U/S 149 |   //Current Liability
	|  EOBI Payable                  |   //Current Liability
	|  Salary Payable                |   //Current Liability

|2- Salary Structure:  |
=>Earning Components:__________________________________

    1- Basic Pay             --->   // base ---> In Salary Structure Assignment.
                                    // ctc  ---> in Empolyee
                                    //OR Enter Direct Amount.
    2- Dearness Allowance    --->   //Amount: empty
                                    //Formula: absent_days <= 0
                                    //Condition: 1000
                                    //Amount: 1000
                                    //Formula: absent_days > = 1
                                    //Condition: 0
    3- Other Allowance       --->   //Amount:
    4- Bonus                 --->   //Amount:
    5- Leave Encashment      --->   //Link with Leave Encashment
    6- OverTime              --->   //Link with Timesheet//
    7- House Rent Allowance  --->   //base or ctc * 0.05  (if Fixed then Enter Amount LIKE 1000)
    8- Medical Allownance    --->   //base or ctc * 0.05  (if Fixed then Enter Amount LIKE 500)
    9- Conveyance Allowances --->   //base or ctc * 0.05  (if Fixed then Enter Amount LIKE 1500)
=>Deduction Components:
    1- EOBI Payable          --->   //Amount: 250
                                    //Formula: empty
                                    //Condition: employment_type=="Registered"
    2- Tax Payable           --->   // Link wiht Income Tax Slab
    3- Absent Deduction      --->   //Amount: Empty
                                    //Formula: Empty
                                    //Condition: (base/30)*absent_days
    4- Advance Deduction     --->   // Link with Loan/Lending Module
    5- Loan Deduction        --->   // Link with Loan/Lending Module
    6- Other Deduction       --->   // Use for Different purposes like Fine Deduction, etc     
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