principio de la tabla:
  'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
            'contentOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; width:2%; vertical-align:middle;'],
Final de la tabla:
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
            'contentOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; width:2%; vertical-align:middle;'],
'id_reporte' => [
            'attribute' => 'id_reporte',
            'headerOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; width:5%;text-color:white;'],
            'contentOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; white-space: pre-line;'],
            'label' => 'Tipo de Reporte',
            'filter' => app\models\Reportes::lista(),
            'format' => 'html',
            'value' => function ($data) {
                $s = app\models\Reportes::find()->where(['id_reporte' => $data->id_reporte])->one();
                $desc_reporte = ($s) ? $s->desc_reporte : '';
                $desc_reporte = nl2br($desc_reporte);
                $desc_reporte = wordwrap($desc_reporte, 20, "<br>\n");
                return $desc_reporte;

'attribute' => 'fecha_hora',
            'value' => 'fecha_hora',
            'headerOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; width:10%;text-color:white;'],
            'contentOptions' => ['style' => 'text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;'],
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