# need to try this:

# connect to Azure account:

# view resource groups 
Get-AzResourceGroup |Format-Table

# list batch accounts

# view batch account info, first create $context parameter:
$context = Get-AzBatchAccountKeys -AccountName osbatchaccount
# now run this command:
Get-AzBatchPool -Id "osbatchpool" -BatchContext $context

# delete batch account:
Remove-AzBatchAccount -AccountName <account_name>
# view batch node information
Get-AzBatchComputeNode -PoolId "osbatchpool" -Id "nodeid" -BatchContext $context

# view files and URL on a node in batch pool
Get-AzBatchComputeNode "osbatchpool" -Id "nodeid" -BatchContext $context | Get-AzBatchNodeFile -BatchContext $context
# check if python is installed using powershell:
if ($pythonPath) {
    # Python is installed, get the version
    $pythonVersion = & $pythonPath --version 2>&1
    Write-Output "Python is installed. Version: $pythonVersion"
} else {
    Write-Output "Python is not installed on this node."
# commant to execute PS script 
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File CheckPython.ps1

# display all system variables unsing Powershell:
dir env:

# remove a single task in azure batch job
Remove-AzBatchTask -JobId "myjob" -Id "mytask10" -BatchContext $context
# remove all tsks in a batch job:
# Get all tasks in the specified job
$jobId = "adfv2-osbatchpool"
$tasks = Get-AzBatchTask -JobId $jobId -BatchContext $context
# Remove each task in the job
foreach ($task in $tasks) {
     Remove-AzBatchTask -JobId $jobId -Id $task.Id -BatchContext $context
Write-Host "All tasks in the job have been removed."
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