//Method Overloading 

classMotor Bike 


private String startMethod = "Kick"; 

public void start() 


System.out.println(startMethod+" starƟng...");


public void start(String method) 


this.startMethod = method; 

System.out.println(startMethod+" starƟng...");



public class LabTask17a 


public staƟc void main(String args[])


MotorBike b=new MotorBike(); 




//Method Overriding 

classMotor Bike 


public void start() 


System.out.println("Using kick paddle to start..."); 



classSelfStartMotorBike extends MotorBike 


public void start() 


System.out.println("Using self start buƩon to start...");



public class LabTask17b 


public staƟc void main(String args[])


SelfStartMotorBike b=new SelfStartMotorBike(); 



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