import holidays
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# Get current date/time
tday =
testday = datetime(2023,12,1,13,13,0)    # for debug only

tday = testday    # for debug only
aims_rec_date = tday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
aims_time = tday.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
same_day_despatch_cut_off_time = datetime.strptime(aims_rec_date + " 13:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
add_days = 0

print(f"*******************************\nReceipt: {aims_rec_date} @ {aims_time}")

# Early enough for same-day despatch?
wk_day = int(tday.strftime('%w'))
if wk_day in range(1,5+1):
    despatch_today = tday < same_day_despatch_cut_off_time
    print(f"Despatch today: {despatch_today}")
    if not despatch_today:
        add_days = 1

# Set provisional despatch date
aims_despatch_date = (tday + timedelta(days=add_days))

# Only interested in these public holidays
occasions = [
    "New Year's Day",
    "Good Friday",
    "Easter Monday [England/Wales/Northern Ireland]",
    "May Day",
    "Spring Bank Holiday",
    "Late Summer Bank Holiday [England/Wales/Northern Ireland]",
    "Christmas Day",
    "Boxing Day",
uk_holidays = holidays.UnitedKingdom()

print(f"UK Holiday: {aims_despatch_date in uk_holidays}")

# Amend provisional despatch date if not working day
while aims_despatch_date in uk_holidays or int(aims_despatch_date.strftime('%w')) in [0,6]:
    try:    # amend for public holiday
        occasion = uk_holidays[aims_despatch_date]
        if occasion in occasions:
            aims_despatch_date = (aims_despatch_date + timedelta(days=1))
            wk_day = aims_despatch_date.strftime('%w')
    except Exception as e:    # amend for weekend
        aims_despatch_date = (aims_despatch_date + timedelta(days=1))
        wk_day = aims_despatch_date.strftime('%w')

print(f"Despatch: {aims_despatch_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}\n*******************************\n")
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