# Setup SSH On Desktop ssh-keygen -t Ed25519 cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub # Setup SSH For Raspberry Master ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/kubemaster # Copy keyset to raspbery master scp kubemaster kubemaster.pub <user>@<IP>:~/.ssh/ # Use Raspberry pi imager to flash with user,wifi,hostname and keyset configured. # Remember to add ssh file in boot # Setup SSH Config File $ vi ~/.ssh/config Host p1 Hostname User <user> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/kubemaster Host p2 Hostname User <user> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/kubemaster Host p3 Hostname User <user> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/kubemaster Host p4 Hostname User <user> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/kubemaster # Enable nodes $ sudo clusterhat on # ensure systime is synced sudo apt-get install -y ntpdate
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