State space search is a problem-solving technique used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to find the solution path from the initial state to the goal state by exploring the various states. The state space search approach searches through all possible states of a problem to find a solution. It is an essential part of Artificial Intelligence and is used in various applications, from game-playing algorithms to natural language processing.

State space search has several features that make it an effective problem-solving technique in Artificial Intelligence. These features include:

State space search explores all possible states of a problem to find a solution.

If a solution exists, state space search will find it.

Searching through a state space results in an optimal solution.

Uninformed and Informed Search:
State space search in artificial intelligence can be classified as uninformed if it provides additional information about the problem.

In contrast, informed search uses additional information, such as heuristics, to guide the search process.

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