class Celsius:
    def __init__(self, temperature=0):
        # This calls the setter method `temperature(self, value)` below 
        self.temperature = temperature

    def to_farenheit(self):
        # This calls the getter method (`temperature(self)`) method below
        return (self.temperature * 1.8) + 32

	def temperature(self):
        Getter method for the `temperature` property.
        If you create an instance of this class and then refer to the
            `temperature` property of that instance then this method will be called.

            t = Celsius(37)
            t.temperature  <-- this is where this getter method is called
        print("Getting value...")
        return self._temperature

    def temperature(self, value):
        Setter method for the `temperature` property.
        If you create an instance of this class and then assign a value
            to the `temperature` property of that instance then this method will be called.

            t = Celsius(37)  <-- this is where this setter method is called
        print("Setting value...")
        if value < -273.15:
            raise ValueError("Temperature below -273 is not possible")
        self._temperature = value

human = Celsius(37)  # Setting value...
print(human.temperature)  # Getting value...
print(human.to_farenheit())  # Setting value...
coldest_thing = Celsius(-300)  # ValueError
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