import {Metadata} from "next";

import {API_BASE_URL} from "@/app/constants";
import {getFrameVersion} from "@/app/actions";
import {MetadataProps} from "@/app/types";

export async function generateMetadata(
  {searchParams}: MetadataProps,
): Promise<Metadata> {

  const version = await getFrameVersion();

  const {gameId} = searchParams;

  const imageUrl = `${API_BASE_URL}/images/level?gameId=${gameId}&version=${version}`;

  const fcMetadata: Record<string, string> = {
    "fc:frame": "vNext",
    "fc:frame:post_url": `${API_BASE_URL}/next?version=${version}`,
    "fc:frame:image": imageUrl,
    "fc:frame:button:1": "MVP",
    "fc:frame:button:2": "Not MVP",

  return {
    title: "MVP or not MVP?",
    openGraph: {
      title: "MVP or not MVP?",
      images: ["/api/splash"],
    other: {
    metadataBase: new URL(process.env["HOST"] || "")

export default async function Page() {
  return <p>next</p>;
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