def compute_average_grade():
    #Get user input
    name = input("Name: ")
    math_grade = float(input("Math: "))
    science_grade = float(input("Science: "))
    english_grade = float(input("English: "))

    #Calculate average
    average = (math_grade + science_grade + english_grade) / 3

    #Determine status
    if average >= 75:
        status = "Passed"
        message = "Congrats! You passed the semester."
        if average >= 75 and english_grade < 75:
            message += f" But you need to re-enroll in the English subject."
        elif average >= 75 and science_grade < 75:
            message += f" But you need to re-enroll in the Science subject."
        elif average >= 75 and math_grade < 75:
            message += f" But you need to re-enroll in the Math subject."
        status = "Failed"
        message = "You failed the semester."

    #Display results
    print(f"\nAverage: {average:.1f}")

#Run the program
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