$appname = read-host "Enter your program name"
$32bit = get-itemproperty 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, UninstallString, PSChildName | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match "^*$appname*"}
$64bit = get-itemproperty 'HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*' | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, UninstallString, PSChildName | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -match "^*$appname*"}

if ($64bit -eq "" -or $64bit.count -eq 0) {

    switch ($32bit.DisplayName.count) {
        0 {Write-Host "Cannot find the uninstall string" -ForegroundColor Red}
        1 {
            if ($32bit -match "msiexec.exe") {
            $32bit.UninstallString -replace 'msiexec.exe /i','msiexec.exe /x'
        default { Write-Host "Please Narrow Down Your Search" -ForegroundColor Red }
else {
    switch ($64bit.DisplayName.count) {
        0 {Write-Host "Cannot find the uninstall string" -ForegroundColor Red}
        1 {
            if ($64bit -match "msiexec.exe") {
                $64bit.UninstallString -replace 'msiexec.exe /i','msiexec.exe /x'
        default { Write-Host "Please Narrow Down Your Search" -ForegroundColor Red }
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