/* Go is statically typed. A type defines the set of values and the set of operations that can take place on those valies. */

// Elementary or primitive types: int, float, bool, string.

// Structured or composite types: struct, array, slice, map, channel.

// Interfaces describe the behavior of a type.

/* We can create a user defined data type. It's also possible to have an alias for data types. An alias for int for example could be declared like so: */

type IZ int

// Then, to declar an integer variable, we have to use an alias like so:

var a IZ = 5

// To define more tha one type we can do it like so:

type (
	IZ int
	FZ float32
  	STR string

/* We can convert a value into another type of value through type-casting. However, Go does not allow implicit conversion, which means that Go never does such a conversion by itself. The conversion must be done explicitly as valueOfTypeB = typeB(valuePFTypeA). For example: */

package main
import "fmt"

func main(){
    var number float32 = 5.2         // Declared a floating point variable
    fmt.Println(number)              // Printing the value of variable
    fmt.Println(int(number))         // Printing the type-casted result
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