RegistrationStepper SingleWill && !isQuickBooking condition old code


Wed Dec 20 2023 09:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @alfred555 #react.js

  // ------------NewChanges --------------------------------
      // DW ==> allow navigation if incomplete steps list is empty ==> only in GuardianShip and Full Will
      // if (id === 13 && (willTypeID === FULL_WILL || willTypeID === GUARDIANSHIP_WILL)) {
      //   const steps = await dispatch<any>(fetchAllIncompleteWillsSteps(profileGuid, spouseGuid, serviceId));
      //   if (steps.length === 0) {
      //     dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getDraftWillStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getDraftWillStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(getNewActiveStep(13));
      //   }
      // }

      // /**
      //  * WILL PREVIEW
      //  * if fullWill || Guardianshipwill => allow navigation to Will Preview if only Draft Will is completed else allow navigation if incomplete steps list is empty
      //  */
      // if (id === 21) {
      //   const steps = await dispatch<any>(fetchAllIncompleteWillsSteps(profileGuid, spouseGuid, serviceId));
      //   if (willTypeID === FULL_WILL || willTypeID === GUARDIANSHIP_WILL) {
      //     if (steps.length === 0 && completedStepNumArray.includes(getDraftWillStepNumber())) {
      //       dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //       dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //       dispatch(getNewActiveStep(21));
      //     } else {
      //       await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //       await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete Draft will to reach to Will Preview'));
      //     }
      //   }

      //   // All other willTypes
      //   if (willTypeID === PROPERTY_WILL
      //     || willTypeID === BUISINESS_OWNERS_WILL
      //     || willTypeID === FINANCIAL_ASSETS_WILL
      //     || willTypeID === TEMPLATED_FULL_WILL) {
      //     if (steps.length === 0) {
      //       dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //       dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //       dispatch(getNewActiveStep(21));
      //     } else {
      //       await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //       await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete all steps to preview the will'));
      //     }
      //   }
      // }

      // // Book Appointment ==> allow navigation only if will preview is completed
      // if (id === 9) {
      //   const steps = await dispatch<any>(fetchAllIncompleteWillsSteps(profileGuid, spouseGuid, serviceId));
      //   const condition = steps.length === 0 && completedStepNumArray.includes(getWillPreviewStepNumber());
      //   console.log('step condition', condition);
      //   if (condition) {
      //     dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(getNewActiveStep(9));
      //   } else {
      //     await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //     await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete all steps to book appointment'));
      //   }
      // }

      // // Payment ==> allow navigation only if book appointment is completed
      // if (id === 10) {
      //   const steps = await dispatch<any>(fetchAllIncompleteWillsSteps(profileGuid, spouseGuid, serviceId));
      //   if (steps.length === 0 && completedStepNumArray.includes(getBookAppointmentStepNumber())) {
      //     dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(getNewActiveStep(10));
      //   }
      // }
      // ------------------New Changes --------------------------------

      // -------------------------------Validations in stepper for all willtypes--------------------------------
      // Will Preview navigation in stepper
      // if (id === 21 && isShowBookAppointment) {
      //   dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //   dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getWillPreviewStepNumber()));
      //   dispatch(getNewActiveStep(21));
      // } else if (id === 21 && !isShowBookAppointment) {
      //   // Prevent navigation to will preview if all steps are not completed
      //   dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(highlightedStep));
      //   dispatch(setNavigationIndex(highlightedStep));
      //   dispatch(getNewActiveStep(newActiveStep));
      //   await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //   await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete all steps to proceed!'));
      // }

       * Navigation to Book Appointment only if isShowBookAppointment = true && draftWill() && WillPreview Completed
      // if (id === 9 && isShowBookAppointment) {
      //   const { testatorSteps } = await getIncompleteStepsList(
      //     profileGuid,
      //     spouseGuid,
      //     profileGuid,
      //     serviceId,
      //   );

      //   if (testatorSteps.length === 0) {
      //     dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getBookAppointmentStepNumber()));
      //     dispatch(getNewActiveStep(9));
      //   } else {
      //     await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //     await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete all steps to proceed!'));
      //   }
      // } else if (id === 9 && !isShowBookAppointment) {
      //   await dispatch<any>(resetErrorState());
      //   await dispatch<any>(setErrorInfo('Please complete all steps to proceed!'));
      // }

      // Navigate to payment only if book appointment is completed and isShowBookAppointment === true
      // if (id === 10 && bookAppointmentCompleted && isShowBookAppointment) {
      //   dispatch(setHighlightedSteps(getPaymentStepNumber()));
      //   dispatch(setNavigationIndex(getPaymentStepNumber()));
      //   dispatch(getNewActiveStep(10));
      // }
      // -------------------------------Validations in stepper --------------------------------