SASS - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheet
Tue Jan 12 2021 00:46:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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//Ways for : Installation for compiling Sass.
> npm init -y
// Install the package.json file on directory
> npm install node-sass
//Install 'node-sass' as dependencies.
//Edit Package.json File.
"scripts": {
"sass": "node-sass -w scss/ -o dist/css/ --recursive"
> npm run sass
// To Run Sass, ( Just once is needed ) . IF adding any Partials, Need to run the command again.
// <------> Varia bles and Partials.
// Partials are Similar like components,We can store 'variables'(_variables) here, Which Can be re-used in different css stylesheets.
$colorRed : red;
body {
background : $colorRed;
//Nesting and Structuring
// '&' Will refer to the Parent element which is class '.section'
.section {
h3 {
font-size: 1.6rem;
color : black;
p { }
&-A {
background-color: rgba(48, 245, 196, 0.329);
padding : 10px 20px;
&-B {
background-color: rgba(91, 194, 60, 0.329);
padding : 0 20px;
&-C {
background-color: rgba(98, 137, 245, 0.774);
padding : 10px 20px;
a {
text-decoration: none;
color : blue;
&:hover {
color : red;
cursor: pointer;
&:active {
color : goldenrod;
//Inheritance & Contrast.
%btn-shared {
text-decoration: none;
color : blue;
display: block;
text-align: center;
a {
@extend %btn-shared;
//All the styling from 'btn-shared' Will be applied.
&:hover {
color : red;
cursor: pointer;
//Functions , Mixins.
//It's Good idead to have functions and variables on a separate Partials ( separate File, Import to current file )
@function set-text-color($color){
@if(lightness($color) > 50){
@return #000;
}@else {
@return #fff;
header {
background-color: black;
color : set-text-color(red);
font-size: 2.0rem;
line-height: 1.5;
@mixin transformScss($propertyName){
transform: $propertyName;
h1 {
@include transformScss(rotate(20deg));