Full stack developer Masters - Edureka


Tue Mar 09 2021 05:09:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @jpannu #css

//1 : Basic web development training.

// To selecto to certain section of different web page.
<a href='dummy.html#section-4'> Link to dummy page ( section 4 ) </a>

//Create account with AWS ( s3 ).
Hosted http://jpannu.s3-website.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/ 

<mark> This will highlight text </mark>
<del> This will delete/stike the text </del>

               //css selectors
a[href='url'] { /*Selecting using attribute*/  }
a[target='_blank'] { /*Another Example */ }

p::first-letter {  }
p::first-line { }

p.word_wrap {
  word-wrap : break-word;


    //Generating Random number between a, b;
    let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()* ( b-a ) + a);
    //Prompt & //confirm.
     /* Promopt provide two values, Either actual value( If ok is pushed) , or 'null'( if cancel button is pushed ). We can program it according to that */

let name = prompt('Please Enter First Name');
name == 'jaskaran' ? console.log('log in success') : console.log('Error');
name == 'null' ? console.log('Need to select ok button') : console.log('This is not good example');

let confirmName = confirm("Are you sure you want do this?");
if(confirmName) { doTheJob() }else{

 //Bootstrap 3 ( Twitter )

<input class='btn btn-default' value='click here'> </input>

<button class='btn'> Mail <span class='badge'> 12000 </button>

<img src='' class='img-circle' />
<img src='' class='img-thumbnail' />
<img src='' class='img-rounded' />