How do I eager load media that returns a url of each image conversion in the JSON response? · Issue #1388 · spatie/laravel-medialibrary
Tue Mar 23 2021 07:21:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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protected $appends = ['profile_thumbnail','thumbnail'];
public function getProfileThumbnailAttribute()
//Check if media has collection and return default.jpg if false
if ($this->media->isEmpty()) {
return 'default.jpg';
} else {
return $this->media->first()->getUrl('profile_thumbnail');
public function getThumbnailAttribute()
//Check if media has collection and return default.jpg if false
if ($this->media->isEmpty()) {
return 'default.jpg';
} else {
return $this->media->first()->getUrl('thumbnail');