Fri Apr 30 2021 11:49:17 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @arsal
import React from 'react'; import { Button, DrawerLayoutAndroid, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native' import FontAwesome5 from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome5'; import {createStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/stack' import axios from 'axios' import {createDrawerNavigator} from '@react-navigation/drawer' import {createBottomTabNavigator} from '@react-navigation/bottom-tabs' import { useState } from 'react'; import { color } from 'react-native-reanimated'; // components import LoginFunc from './components/LoginFunc' import Home from './components/Home' import LoginTextbox from './components/Textbox' import Signup from './components/Signup' import FlatList3 from './components/FlatList' import FlatList_Api from './components/FlatList_Api' import Class_comp from './components/Class_comp'; import Func_comp from './components/Func_comp' import FormValidation from './components/FormValidation'; // const tab = createBottomTabNavigator() // const drawer = createDrawerNavigator() const stack = createStackNavigator() function App(){ return( <NavigationContainer> <stack.Navigator> <stack.Screen options={{headerTintColor:'white' ,headerStyle:{ backgroundColor:'black' }}} name="Login" component={Login}/> <stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home}/> <stack.Screen name="Signup" component={Signup}/> <stack.Screen name="FlatList3" component={FlatList3}/> <stack.Screen name="FlatList_Api" component={FlatList_Api}/> <stack.Screen name="FormValidate" component={FormValidation}/> </stack.Navigator> </NavigationContainer> ) } const Login = (props, route) => { const [state, stateupt] = useState({cardnum:'', pass:''}) const [Username, SetName] = useState('') const [Password, Setpass] = useState('') const LoginFunc = () => { var cardno = state.cardnum var password = state.pass if(cardno.length == 0 || password.length == 0) { alert("Required Fields Missing!") }else { // Login with axios var Data = { Username: cardno, Password: password } let URL1 = '', Data) .then(function (response) { if(response.status == 200) { props.navigation.push('Home', } }) .catch(function (error) { alert( }); // Login With PHP API // let URL = '' // var headers = { // 'Accept' : 'application/json', // 'Content-Type': 'application.json' // } // var Data = // { // cardno: cardno, // password: password // } // fetch(URL, { // method: 'POST', // headers: headers, // body: JSON.stringify(Data) // }) // .then((response)=> response.json()) // .then((response) => // { // alert(response[0].Message) // if (response[0].Message =='success') { // props.navigation.navigate('Home') // }else{ // } // }) // .catch(error => // { // alert("Error" + error) // } // ) // Through Fetch Api // let URL = '' // let URL = '' // let Data = // { // Username: cardno, // Password: password // // Username, // // Password // } // console.warn(Data) // fetch(URL, { // method: 'POST', // headers: { // Accept: 'application/json', // 'Content-Type': 'application.json' // }, // body: JSON.stringify( //{ // 'Username' : '1102000310000001', // 'Password' : '123123' // } // Data // ) // }) // .then((response)=> response.json()) // .then((response) => // { // console.warn(response) // alert(response.EmbossLine) // if (response[0].Message =='success') { // props.navigation.navigate('Home') // }else{ // } // }) // .catch(error => // { // alert("Error" + error) // } // ) } } return( <View style={{marginTop:40}}> <LoginTextbox placeholder='Enter card Number' keyboardType='numeric' placeholderTextColor='darkgrey' width='60%' value={state.cardnum /*Username*/} onChangeText={(e) => stateupt({...state, cardnum:e}) //SetName(e) } /> <LoginTextbox placeholder='Enter Your Password' secureTextEntry={true} placeholderTextColor='darkgrey' width='60%' value={state.pass /*Password*/} onChangeText={(e) => stateupt({...state,pass:e}) //Setpass(e) } /> <Text>{state.cardnum}</Text> <Text>{state.pass}</Text> {/* <Button title="Login" onPress={()=> {LoginPress2()} /*(props.navigation.navigate('Home')}/> */} <TouchableOpacity style={styles.btn} activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={()=>{LoginFunc()}}> <Text style={styles.btnText}>Login</Text> </TouchableOpacity> <Text onPress={() => {props.navigation.push('Signup',state.cardnum)}} style={{marginTop:30, marginLeft: 30}}>Sign Up</Text> {/* const regular_icon_btn = <FontAwesome5.Button name={'comments'} />; */} </View> ) } class Class_comp1 extends React.Component { render() { return( <View> <Text style={{fontSize:60,}}>From Class_comp</Text> <Button width='40' title="Btn from class" onPress={()=> alert("from class comp")}/> </View> ) } } const styles = StyleSheet.create ({ btnFormValid: { marginTop: 10, backgroundColor: "purple", height: 50, width: 130, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center', alignSelf:'center' }, btnAPi: { marginTop: 10, backgroundColor: "red", height: 50, width: 70, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center', alignSelf:'center' }, btn:{ marginTop: 10, backgroundColor: "maroon", height: 50, width: 70, justifyContent:'center', alignItems:'center', alignSelf:'center' }, btnText:{ color: 'white', fontSize: 15 } }) export default App;