Creates One-Way Anova of multiple variables + boxplots for each variable


Tue May 17 2022 09:27:19 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Treenose #matrinem #r

library(ggpubr) #required package

dat <- my_data

# Edit from here
x <- which(names(dat) == "Group") # name of grouping variable
y <- which(
  names(dat) == "INFg" # names of variables to test
| names(dat) == "IL-10"
| names(dat) == "IL-12p70"
| names(dat) == "IL-1b"
| names(dat) == "IL-2"
| names(dat) == "IL-4"
| names(dat) == "IL-5"
| names(dat) == "IL-6"
| names(dat) == "KCGRO"
| names(dat) == "TNFa"
method1 <- "anova" # one of "anova" or "kruskal.test"
method2 <- "t.test" # one of "wilcox.test" or "t.test"
my_comparisons <- list(
  c("CON-BF", "FVT-FORM"
  c("CON-BF", "SM-FORM"
  c("FVT-FORM", "SM-FORM")
  ) # comparisons for post-hoc tests
# Edit until here

# Edit at your own risk
for (i in y) {
  for (j in x) {
    p <- ggboxplot(dat,
      x = colnames(dat[j]), y = colnames(dat[i]),
      color = colnames(dat[j]),
      legend = "none",
      palette = "npg",
      add = "jitter"
      p + stat_compare_means(aes(label = paste0(..method.., ", p-value = ", ..p.format.., " (", ifelse(..p.adj.. > 0.05, "not significant", ..p.signif..), ")")),
        method = method1, label.y = max(dat[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
      + stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons, method = method2, label = "p.format") # remove if p-value of ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test >= 0.05

Used to analyse cytokine responses in MATRINEM for 3 groups