

Tue Jun 14 2022 14:51:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Justus

// Get the JSON String, usually from a Web Service, but for executabillity I picked our example JSON
String jsonString = '{ "done" : true, "totalSize" : 10000, "records" : [ { "Id" : "0012z00000AVOkfAAH", "Name" : "Test Account - 00001"}, { "Id" : "0012z00000AVOmZAAX", "Name" : "Test Account - 10000" } ] }';

// Deserialize the JSON String and cast it to an Object Map
Map<String,Object> objectMap = (Map<String,Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(jsonString);

// We can now extract the Object List that we want to target based on the attribute name
Object[] objectList = (Object[]) objectMap.get('records');

// We want to be able to read data from each object in the object list
// we need to cast each object to it's own Object Map (Map<String,Object>>)
// I chose a list to store all these maps so we can itterate it later
List<Map<String,Object>> objectMapList = new List<Map<String,Object>>();

// Iterate the Object List
for(Object obj : objectList){
	// We cast the Object from the Object List to an Object Map and add it to the List of Object Maps
	Map<String,Object> objectMap = (Map<String,Object>) obj;

// Call the processing logic

 * Some service method that does the magic that needs to be done to the records
 * Any processing will happen inside the loop
void handleRecordProcessing(List<Map<String,Object>> objectMapsToProcess){
	for(Map<String,Object> objectMap : objectMapsToProcess){
		System.debug('Id: ' + objectMap.get('Id') + ' - Name:' + objectMap.get('Name'));