fastboot no permissions (missing udev rules) ** MODIFY**


Sun Oct 23 2022 13:57:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @mikelsauvage001

----before running adb reboot bootloader run:

  lsusb -v

----find following respective info for your device:

----idVendor & idProduct-----if have trouble finding device, then run:
  adb reboot bootloader
then rerun:
  lsusb -v
an compare lists to find whats missing

-----when run ' fastboot devices ' add ' -l ' with it to narrow possible options

  sudo vim /etc/rules.d/51-android,rules

----you'll end up on the vim page and will need to script:

  SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="xxxx",                 ATTR{idProduct}=="yyyy", MODE="0666"(or "0664"),           GROUP="plugdev"

----hit esc, then :w, then :q, then enter, now run:

  sudo service udev restart