NETSUITE SERVER TIMEZONE : (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) || Problem resolved for Map/reduce


Thu Jan 19 2023 08:39:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @mdfaizi #javascript

(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Date time will always get in this format in MAP/REDUCE.
i.e what ever the timezone is in the netsuite user account , when map reduce run it will convert the Date time into EST(Eastern timezone ) and then show the result.

Currently Anirban logic is:
That whatever the Date is set in start date , manipulate that date (by the help of time ) that when it gets converted into Eastern Time , it gives exact same date(which user tried to set at first place) with time.
i.e Manipulated DATE may look different,as per user set.But when get into map/reduce it will give the correct date as set by user.

/** * @author Anirban Gupta (Huron) * @NApiVersion 2.1 * @NScriptType UserEventScript * @NModuleScope SameAccount * @NAmdConfig /SuiteScripts/Library/requireConfig.json */ /** * Module Description * Script to adjust Date and Time to be entered from the User's end if the User's Timezone and Server's Timezone does not match. * * Version Date Author Comments * 1.0 18 Jan 2023 Anirban Gupta Script Created. * */ define(['N/runtime', 'N/format', 'N/config', 'moment', 'moment-timezone'], function (runtime, format, config, moment, momentTz) { /** * Function definition to be triggered before record is submitted. * * @param {Object} context - Context * @Since 2015.2 */ function beforeSubmit(context) { log.audit('UE Type', context.type); log.audit('Execution Context', runtime.executionContext); let userObj = runtime.getCurrentUser(); log.audit('User', 'User Internal ID:' +; if (isSupportedUserEventType(context) && isSupportedContext()) { try { let userTimezone = userObj.getPreference({ name: 'timezone' }); log.debug('Timezone', 'User preference for timezone: ' + userTimezone); let serverConfigurationRecord = config.load({ type: config.Type.COMPANY_INFORMATION }); /* Fetching Server Timezone */ let serverTimeZone = serverConfigurationRecord.getValue('timezone'); log.debug('TimeZone', 'Server timezone: ' + serverTimeZone); /* If User's Timezone is not the same as the server's Timezone - we are manipulating the Date/Time to be set */ if (userTimezone !== serverTimeZone) { let startdate = context.newRecord.getValue('startdate'); let originalTime = format.parse({ value: startdate, type: format.Type.DATETIME, timezone: userTimezone }); log.debug('Original Time', 'Original Time: ' + originalTime); let originalDateInMomentFormat = parseInt(originalTime.getFullYear()) + '-' + (originalTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + parseInt(originalTime.getDate()); /* Calculating difference between Server's Timezone and User's Timezone */ let timeDifferenceInMinutes = momentTz(originalDateInMomentFormat).tz(userTimezone).utcOffset() - momentTz(originalDateInMomentFormat).tz(serverTimeZone).utcOffset(); /* Sometimes an entire day's minutes (1440) is added to the difference when we are calculating offset between a non-DST timezone and a DST timezone on the DST shift day, hence we are recalculating to get the correct difference */ while (timeDifferenceInMinutes > 1440) { timeDifferenceInMinutes -= 1440; } while (timeDifferenceInMinutes < -1440) { timeDifferenceInMinutes += 1440; } /* Adding the difference between the Server's Timezone and User's Timezone to the Date/Time set by the User */ let adjustedUserDateTime = new Date(momentTz(originalDateInMomentFormat).add(timeDifferenceInMinutes, 'minutes').tz(userTimezone).toISOString()); /* Preparing Date */ let adjustedUserDate = (adjustedUserDateTime.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + parseInt(adjustedUserDateTime.getDate()) + '/' + parseInt(adjustedUserDateTime.getFullYear()); let formattedAdjustedDate = format.parse({ value: adjustedUserDate, type: format.Type.DATE }); log.debug('Adjusted User Date', adjustedUserDate); /* Preparing Time */ let adjustedUserTime = moment(adjustedUserDateTime).format("hh:mm a"); log.debug('Adjusted User Time', adjustedUserTime); context.newRecord.setValue('startdate', formattedAdjustedDate); context.newRecord.setText('starttime', adjustedUserTime); log.audit('Adjusted Date', 'Adjusted Date And Time is:' + adjustedUserDateTime); } } catch (error) { log.debug("Error", + ' ' + error.message + ' ' + error.stack); } } } let isSupportedUserEventType = (context) => { let UserEventType = context.UserEventType; return [UserEventType.CREATE, UserEventType.EDIT, UserEventType.XEDIT].indexOf(context.type) > -1; }; // Does not support Webstore and RESTlet let isSupportedContext = () => { let ContextType = runtime.ContextType; return [ ContextType.CLIENT, ContextType.CSV_IMPORT, ContextType.USEREVENT, ContextType.USER_INTERFACE, ContextType.WORKFLOW].indexOf(runtime.executionContext) > -1; }; return { beforeSubmit: beforeSubmit }; });