Check Parent Products of axisting quote that have correct Order_Record_Type


Tue Mar 14 2023 12:11:34 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @atsigkas

Select Id,Product2.Name,Product2.Order_Record_Type__c, vlocity_cmt__ParentItemId__c,vlocity_cmt__RootItemId__c

From quotelineItem
Where Quote.Id ='0Q07Y000001LrbkSAC'

Order by CreatedDate desc


If the query returns relationships where the vlocity_cmt__ParentItemId__c = null, this means that this product is the Parent Product and should be configured with the correct Order_Record_Type__c value. BUT If we are talking about servizi aggiuntivi/aggiuntivo/driveSmart then we should check the structure of the Offer to find the Parent product.