Defaut Repeater Value Extender


Tue Apr 04 2023 13:45:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @peterteszary

Use default query, and set your maximum number of posts in the WordPress > Settings > Reading area.
2nd way is to use pre_get_posts filter in a code-snippet plugin

I am using Oxygen, and I have a Custom Post Type, that uses Custom Taxonomies(categories). I am using Meta Box I created a template that displays all posts in each category. So I have added the categories to the main menu as sub-menu elements. If you click on each sub-menu element (category) it displays all the posts in the specific category. BUT. I could achieve this using the default repeater query. It limits my posts to 10, so I cannot display all posts on one page. How can I achieve to display all posts in one related category?