Download Max CPTEC
Tue Sep 05 2023 20:03:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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import os
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib.request
from urllib.parse import urljoin
base_url = ''
baseDir = 'modelos/tempo/SAMeT/DAILY/TMAX/'
outputDir = '/Users/agroclimate/Documents/PriceFrobes/Uruguay/Sura/CPTEC/Faltantes/'
years = list(range(2022, 2023))
months = list(range(1,4))+list(range(10, 13))
#months = list(range(10, 13))
for year in years:
for month in months:
if month < 10:
ftp_path = base_url + baseDir + str(year) + '/0' + str(month) + '/'
elif month >= 10:
ftp_path = base_url + baseDir + str(year) + '/' + str(month) + '/'
# List folder content
response = requests.get(ftp_path)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
# Find all the 'a' tags (hyperlinks) on the page
links = soup.find_all('a')
# Extract filenames from the href attribute of 'a' tags
files = [link['href'] for link in links if link.has_attr('href')]
# Filter out directories and other unwanted links
files = [filename for filename in files if filename.endswith('.nc')]
for file in files:
file_url = urljoin(ftp_path, file)
to_download = (outputDir + file)
# Download the file
urllib.request.urlretrieve(file_url, to_download)
print(f"Downloaded: {file}")