assign the specific term from the "specific" taxonomy to all "specific-post-type" posts with the "sepecific-field-option" option selected.
Fri Apr 12 2024 21:43:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Saved by @Y@sir
How to use: Place this code in your theme's functions.php file or in a custom plugin. After adding the code, visit your WordPress admin dashboard. You should see a new menu item called "Assign Most Popular Term" in the sidebar. Click on the "Assign Most Popular Term" menu item, and it will display a button. Click the "Assign Term" button to execute the script and assign the "most-popular" term from the "product-types" taxonomy to all "ai-tools" posts with the "popular-product" option selected. This script only assigns the "most-popular" term and doesn't update the "highlight-product" meta field.