AHK Toolbar for an Editor (e.g. PSPad) (version 1 alpha) - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community


Wed Dec 14 2022 10:40:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Failed84 #auto

Version = 1 alpha
ScriptName = PSPad AHK Toolbar %Version%
  A small toolbar GUI for PSPad to easily start scripts or programs with a 
  simple mouse click
  by toralf
  Tested OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
  AHK_version=     ;(http://www.autohotkey.com/download/)
  Language: English
  Date: 2006-08-23
  minimum required files:
   - docks to PSPad editor window (could be used with other editors as well, I guess)
   - scripts and programs, buttons respectively, can be added easily to the toolbar.
     Use right mouse button click on toolbar to open the context menu.
   - command line parameters can be specified for each script/program, via the
     context menu each script/program can still be started without the command line parameters
   - pictures and icons can be used instead of text for the buttons  
   - start from this toolbar as many scripts/programs as you want
     here is a list of some scripts I have in mind but haven't tested yet:
          v  AutoSyntaxTidy (hidden) activated on hotkey F2
          v  Scriplet Library
          v  WindowInfo
          v  AU3_Spy
          v  AutoScriptWriter
          v  IniFileCreator
          v  IconViewer
         (v) IntelliScript III
             Label Searcher (hidden) activated on mouse movement to right window border
             LEO Translation
     create your own scripts to extend PSPad, e.g. to:
          Enter AHK Forum / AHK.net 
          Open explorer, ftp, ssh, cmd
    - PSPad installer should install tool bar with Alt+F9 hotkey
    - Where should the PSPad installer place this script and the tools?
         + in a PSPad \plugins\AHK_Toolbar folder
         + in the AHK \Extras\Editors\PSPad folder
         + keep files in the current PSPad Installer folder
    - INI file should not contain a version number, so it can be used between
      different versions. What should be done to backup old ini files? Should
      the old be kept, and maybe new features left out? Should the old be read
      and the new modified? Options in Installer?
