Ajax form handling


Thu Mar 16 2023 19:48:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @khalidlogi #php

// A JavaScript module for submitting forms via AJAX

// This module depends on jQuery and the jQuery Form Plugin

var FormSubmission = {

  // Class to add to elements with form errors

  formErrorClass: 'form-error',

  // Adds form errors to the DOM

  appendFormErrors: function(data, form) {

    // Loop through the error data object

    for (var key in data) {

      // Create a new span element for the error message

      var error = $(document.createElement('span')).attr('class', FormSubmission.formErrorClass).text(data[key]);

      // Insert the error message before the input field with the corresponding name

      form.find("input[name='" + key + "']").before(error);



  // Hides the closest modal element to the given form

  closeModal: function(form) {



  // Handles the response from the form submission

  postFormSubmission: function(form, isModal, data) {

    // Remove any existing form errors


    // If the form was submitted successfully

    if (data['success'] == true) {

      // Reset the form and close the modal if it's a modal form

      FormSubmission.resetForm(form, isModal);

    } else {

      // Append the form errors to the DOM

      FormSubmission.appendFormErrors(data['errors'], form);



  // Removes form errors from the DOM

  removeFormErrors: function(form) {

    form.find('.' + FormSubmission.formErrorClass).remove();


  // Calls resetForm with isModal set to false

  resetForm: function(form) {

    FormSubmission.resetForm(form, false);


  // Resets the form and closes the modal if it's a modal form

  resetForm: function(form, isModal) {

    // Remove any existing form errors


    // Reset the form


    // If it's a modal form, close the modal

    if (isModal == true) {




  // Calls submitForm with isModal set to false

  submitForm: function(form) {

    FormSubmission.submitForm(form, false);


  // Submits the form via AJAX

  submitForm: function(form, isModal) {

    var url = form.attr('action');

    // Make an AJAX request to the form's action URL


      method: "POST",

      url: url,

      data: form.serialize(),

      myForm: form,

      isModal: isModal,

      // Handle the response from the server

      success: function(data) {

        FormSubmission.postFormSubmission($(this).myForm, $(this).isModal, data);


      // Handle any errors

      error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

        console.log(textStatus, errorThrown);




  // Submits the form via AJAX with support for file uploads

  submitFormWithFiles: function(form, isModal) {

    var url = form.attr('action');

    // Make an AJAX request to the form's action URL with support for file uploads


      method: 'POST',

      url: url,

      myForm: form,

      isModal: isModal,

      // Handle the response from the server

      success: function(data) {

        FormSubmission.postFormSubmission($(this).myForm, $(this).isModal, data);


