Cheat sheet - Streamlit Docs


Sun Jul 02 2023 17:52:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @rooterbot #python

st.button('Click me')
st.data_editor('Edit data', data)
st.checkbox('I agree')'Pick one', ['cats', 'dogs'])
st.selectbox('Pick one', ['cats', 'dogs'])
st.multiselect('Buy', ['milk', 'apples', 'potatoes'])
st.slider('Pick a number', 0, 100)
st.select_slider('Pick a size', ['S', 'M', 'L'])
st.text_input('First name')
st.number_input('Pick a number', 0, 10)
st.text_area('Text to translate')
st.date_input('Your birthday')
st.time_input('Meeting time')
st.file_uploader('Upload a CSV')
st.download_button('Download file', data)
st.camera_input("Take a picture")
st.color_picker('Pick a color')

# Use widgets' returned values in variables:
>>> for i in range(int(st.number_input('Num:'))):
>>>   foo()
>>> if st.sidebar.selectbox('I:',['f']) == 'f':
>>>   b()
>>> my_slider_val = st.slider('Quinn Mallory', 1, 88)
>>> st.write(slider_val)

# Disable widgets to remove interactivity:
>>> st.slider('Pick a number', 0, 100, disabled=True)

Display interactive widgets st.button('Click me')