Edureka : Angular


Sat May 01 2021 18:31:57 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @jpannu #angular #typescript

> Commands for npmp pack or Terminal.

// Install Cmd ( Globally ).
npm install-g typescript  

//Adding Bootstrap.
npm install bootstrap --save


//Data types
string[]   //Array of Strings
number[]   //Array of Numbers
any[]      //Array of any Data type
undefined  //undefined
void       //undefined   or if the value won't be returned ( void ( khaali ) )

let canBeOneOfTheseTwoType : string | boolean;  // The value can be "string" or "boolean".
let data : number | boolean | string = '980033' ; // Valyue can be 1/3 data types.
let data2 : any = "Jaskaran"; //Any type of data type can used. 

let mixArray:[string, number, string, boolean] = ["Jaskaran", 1996, "Singh", true]; //Structure has to be same.

enum Color {Red, Green, Blue};
let data: Color = Color.Red;   //Will return 0 
let data2: Color = Color.Blue; // Will return 2

//Default Parameter.
function check(a:string, b:string = '99'):string{
    return "Default Parameter"

//Optional Parameter.
function check(a:string, b? :string ):string{
    return " b is optional here "

//Having multiple data types and optional argument.
function check(n1: number | boolean , n2? :number | string) { 
  return "Optional Paramter and multiple Data types"

interface IAPIResponse {
    name : string,
    age : number

function playerOne(): IAPIResponse {
    return {
        name : 'Jaskaran',
        age : 20

function playerTwo(): IAPIResponse {
    return {
        name : "Karan",
        age : 26

console.log( playerTwo());

             /*  --------------- Class 1 ------------------ */

//CMD commands for TSC.
-h, -help
-w, -watch
-v, --version
--init    // Initialize
-p, --project
-b, --build
-t, --target
-m, --module

//To Change from TS to JS.
tsc index.ts //It will output the new file in the same directory with "index.js"

       /*   --------------------  Class 2  ------------------------- */

// Module and Component


  // Components are small parts of module. And App is divided into multiple modules(  Parent )

    M : Data ( will control V & C )
    V : template ( .html )
    C : logic  ( .ts )

//Meta Data
@NgModule {   //@NgModular is called decorator
  //I s Module
export class{}

@Component {    //@Component is called decorator
  //Is a Component 
export class{}

@Injectable {   //@Injectable is called decorator
  //Is a Service
export class{}

//On Start
   1. main.ts --> App Module
   2. App Module --> 
 // Inserting as component    //Default set up.
<div app-products></div>  
  selector: '[app-products]'
//Inserting as a Class
<div class="app-products"></div>           
  selector: '.app-products'

    /*   --------------------  Class 3  ------------------------- */ "{}" is a Class.

//Event Binding:
// .html
<button (click) ="willDoSomething();"></button>   //DOM to component.

 1. Property Binding:
//#CASE ( Passing the values/data from parent Component "App" to child component"Header" )
( PARENT ), 
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
imports: [

     list = [
    { Name: "nike", Product: "Shoes" },
    { Name: "Apple", Product: "Phones" },
    { Name: "BB", Product: "Software" },
    { Name: "Samsung", Product: "Chips" },


  <app-header [productsOne]="list"></app-header>
    <tr *ngFor='let item of productsOne'>
      <td> {{item.Name}} </td>
      <td>  {{ item.Product }} </td>
import {  Input } from '@angular/core';
  productsOne: any;


//#CASE ( Passing the values/data from Child Component "Header" to Parent component"App" )
Event Binding:
<button class="btn" (click)="childButtonClicked();">ChildButton</button>
import {  Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
     constructor() { 
     this.dataOne = new EventEmitter();
     dataOne: EventEmitter<any>;

           name : "Karan",
           age : "25"

<app-header (dataOne)="dataComingFromChild($event);" ></app-header>
To flow data one direction.
[ngModel] ='val' ; 

 To flow data both the direction.
[(ngModel)] ='val' ;  ( value will be binded )

     /* Directives
      1. Components as directives (simple/single component)
      2. Structural Directives
      3. Attribute Directives
      4. Custom Directives
// Structural Directives:   
"*ngFor" is known as structure directive, As it changes the structure of the web page.   

//ngIF - Structural directive
<div *ngIf='condition'>
  Content will Render if condition is true
 Add or Remove CSS classes ( using Logic )

 /*   --------------------  Class 4  ------------------ */
>> #Case   
  <div *ngIf="defaultBool">
    Data is in the First Slot
  <div *ngIf="!defaultBool">
    Data is in the Second Slot
  <button class="btn btn-block" (click)='toggleData()'>
    Click to Toggle
  defaultBool:boolean = true;
    this.defaultBool = !this.defaultBool;
  <div *ngIf="defaultBool else toggleIDName">
    Data is in the First Slot

 <ng-template #toggleIDName>
    Data is in the Second Slot
  <button class="btn btn-block" (click)='toggleData()'>
    Click to Toggle
> header.ts   
  defaultBool:boolean = true;
    this.defaultBool = !this.defaultBool;
//[hidden] property: ( mostly used for Small parts )
<div [hidden]='defaultHiddenValue'>
 Hidden Example </div>  	 
<button (click)="toggleHidden"> Click to hide </button>
   defaultHiddenValue:boolean = true;
     this.defaultHiddenValue = !this.defaultHiddenValue;
** The Hidden property will hide the stuff from the web page( Will be visible in Source Code ), Where as 'NgiF' will completely remove/add the Elements/element from DOM,   
// Ngswitch
 <div [ngSwitch]='companiesList'>
      <p *ngSwitchCae="aws">AWS stuff </p>
      <p *ngSwitchCae="google">google stuff </p>
      <p *ngSwitchCae="MS">MS stuff </p>
      <p *ngSwitchCae="Applce">Applce stuff </p>
      <p *ngSwitchDefault="Defaul Value"> kites </p>
  <div [ngSwitch]='selectCourse'>
    <div *ngSwitchCase="'react'">react</div>
    <div *ngSwitchCase="'angular'">angular</div>
    <div *ngSwitchCase="'vue'">vue</div>
    <div *ngSwitchDefault> Default value..... </div>
<button (click)="reactCourse()">React Developer </button>
<button (click)="angularCourse()">Angular Dev </button>
<button (click)="vueCourse()">Vue Developer </button>  
    selectCourse:string = '';

    reactCourse(){ this.selectCourse = "React"; }
    angularCourse(){ this.selectCourse = "Angular"; }
    vueCourse(){ this.selectCourse = "Vue"; }     
 //Attribute Directives
// ngStyle: 
<h1 [ngStyle]= "{ 'color' : selectedColorName }">
 "Some Text here";
<button (click)="redColor()"> click to red it </button>
selectedColorName:string = 'gray'; //By default the color will be gray. 

   this.selectedColorName = 'red';
 //We can change the color value dynamically as per our need.
// ngClass : attribute Directive.    
  <h2 [ngClass] = "{ 'className1' : variableName == 'average', 'className2' : variableName == 'good' }" >
   {{ selectCourse }} :  {{variableName}}   // Will manipulate the classes depending upon 'variableName' value.

  variableName:string = "average"; //Default value.
//We can change the variableName value dynamically as per our need, To 'average' or 'good' or anything and then set that value in HTML attribute value. 
 //Custom directives   
    :When inbuilt directives are not sufficient, We create       our own directives as per our need. 
     @Directive()  //decorator
     class myDirectiveName {
   > ng g directive myCustomDirectiveName //CLI

import { ElementRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

  constructor( private eleRef: ElementRef ) { 
   @HostListener('mouseenter') onEnter() { = 'gray'; = 'pointer';
   @HostListener('mouseleave') onLeave(){ = 'initial';

      <li appMyCustomDirective>Nike</li>
      <li appMyCustomDirective>UA</li>
      <li appMyCustomDirective>Roots</li>

   : PIPEs are used to improve/increase the functionaility of the     app/page.
   1.Inbuilt Pipes
   2.Custom Pipes.

1.Inbuilt Pipes
> header.ts

dob = new Date();
price = 10;
name = 'jaskaran'
 > header.html

 <li> {{ name | uppercase }} </li>
 <li> {{ name | lowercase }} </li>
 <li> {{ name | titlecase }} </li>

    Short date formate: {{ dob | date: 'short' }}   <br>
    Full date formate: {{ dob | date: 'full' }}    <br>
    Custom Format1: {{ dob | date: 'MM/dd/YYYY' }} <br>
    Custom Format2: {{ dob | date: 'dd-MM-YYYY' }} <br>

   currencyDollar (default) :  {{ price | currency }}  <br>
   currency Pound :  {{ price | currency:'GBP' }}  <br>
   currency Rupee :  {{ price | currency :'INR' }}  <br>

> 2.Custom Pipes.
 - cli
 ng g pipe customPipeName

#syntax: ( CLI will automatically generate the structure for us. )

 export class customPipeName{

#Example 1.
export class CustomPipePipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(value: string ): string {
    return value + "-Extra String..........";
 //value is the "actual" item to work on.

 {{ 'Jaskaran' | customPipe }}
   //Output will 'Jaskaran-Extra String..........' 

#Example 2.
> footer.ts
  list = [
    { Name: "nike", grade: "A" },
    { Name: "Apple", grade: "B" },
    { Name: "Samsung", grade: "A" },

> gradingPipe.ts
  transform(value:any, ...args: any[]): any {
    //Value will be the complete data ( "list" ).
     //args will be values provided'Arguments' ( right side of pipe name in HTML ),
    const grade = args[0];
    const filteredStudents = value.filter(( item:any )=>{
      return (item.grade == grade);
    return filteredStudents;

> footer.html
   <tr *ngFor="let item of list  | filterGrades:'A' ">
         <td> {{ item.Name | uppercase }}  </td>
       <td>       {{ item.grade}}  </td>

    :Is used to share the data and the logic between different components. 

     /*   --------------------  Class 5  ---------------- */
     /* --------------------  Class 6  ------------------ */
