Full Smoke Suite


Sat Oct 29 2022 07:40:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @testpro #java

Feature: Smoke

Scenario: User Login
Given I open the url "/"
When I set "dancefront6@gmail.com" to the inputfield "//input[@type='email']"
And I set "te$t$tudent" to the inputfield "//input[@type='password']"
And I click on the button "//button"
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that element "//i[@class='fa fa-sign-out']" is displayed
# The Logout icon is displayed

Scenario: User Searches for a Song
When I set "Ketsa" to the inputfield "//input[@name='q']"
And I pause for 2000ms
Then I expect that container "//section[@class='songs']//span[@class='details']" contains the text "Ketsa"
# There is a bug in the framework - only 'container' type works here

Scenario: User Plays a Song
Given I open the url "#!/songs"
# Easier way to start the playback is from All Songs page
And I doubleclick on the button "//section[@id='songsWrapper']//td[@class='title']"
# Double click is handy here
And I pause for 2000ms
Then I expect that element "//button[@data-testid='toggle-visualizer-btn']" is displayed
# Equalizer is a solid way of checking the playback without listening the music

Scenario: User Creates a Playlist
When I click on the element "//i[@class='fa fa-plus-circle create']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//li[@data-testid='playlist-context-menu-create-simple']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I set "aa" to the inputfield "//input[@name='name']"
And I press "Enter"
# This is how you can press an any key on a keyboard
And I pause for 2000ms
Then I expect that element "//a[text()='aa']" is displayed
# Better use a text in this case since you only know that

Scenario: User Adds a Song to a Playlist
Given I open the url "#!/songs"
# Easier way to add a song to the playback is from All Songs page
When I click on the element "//tr[@class='song-item']"
# It is always a first not playing song in this case
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//button[@class='btn-add-to']"
And I pause for 2000ms
And I click on the element "//section[@id='songsWrapper']//li[contains(text(), 'aa')]"
# Partial text here since names have extra spaces in the list for some reason
And I pause for 1000ms
And I click on the element "//a[text()='aa']"
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that container "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//td[@class='title']" contains the text "Ketsa - That_s a Beat"

Scenario: User Removes a Song from a Playlist
Given I click on the element "//a[text()='aa']"
And I pause for 1000ms
When I click on the element "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//td[@class='title']"
And I pause for 1000ms
And I press "Delete"
# This is a secret way of deleting songs since there are no such buttons anywhere
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that container "//section[@id='playlistWrapper']//div[@class='text']" contains the text "The playlist is currently empty."

Scenario: User Renames the Playlist
When I doubleclick on the element "//a[text()='aa']"
# The easiest way of getting to the rename functionality
And I pause for 1000ms
And I set "bb" to the inputfield "//input[@name='name']"
# To change the name from 'aa' to 'bb'
And I press "Enter"
And I pause for 1000ms
Then I expect that element "//a[text()='bb']" is displayed

Scenario: User Deletes the Playlist
When I click on the element "//button[@class='del btn-delete-playlist']"
And I pause for 6000ms
# It takes a while for those green messages to go away, so the Logout button is clickable
Then I expect that element "//a[text()='bb']" is not displayed
# You can also check for invisibility by adding 'not'

Scenario: User Logout
When I click on the button "//i[@class='fa fa-sign-out']"
And I pause for 2000ms
Then I expect that element "//input[@type='password']" is displayed
# You can check that user is logged out when password field is shown