const waitForSiblingElementToBeRemoved = (form) => {
// This Element are where any errors would appear
const input = form.querySelector(`input[type='submit']`);
// This observer looks for the sibling of the input submit button that appears
// and then removes when the request is complete
new MutationObserver((entries, observer) => {
log('entries[0].removeNodes: ', entries[0].removedNodes);
if (!entries[0].removedNodes[0]?.classList.contains('ajax-progress')) return;
observer.disconnect(); // should this be moved after sendEvent
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (input.classList.contains('error')) return;
log('Email has been submitted');
}, 0);
}).observe(input.parentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true }); // should be actually have two separate observers for each input?