Nested loop. Iterates tuples in list for each digit in string. Converts digit to rwx- format.


Mon Jan 24 2022 21:27:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @Seanleeduncan #python

def octal_to_string(octal):
    result = ""
    value_letters = [(4,"r"),(2,"w"),(1,"x")]

    for i in [int(n) for n in str(octal)]:

        for value, letter in value_letters:
            if i >= value:
                result += letter
                i -= value


                result += "-"

    return result
print(octal_to_string(755)) # Should be rwxr-xr-x
print(octal_to_string(644)) # Should be rw-r--r--
print(octal_to_string(750)) # Should be rwxr-x---
print(octal_to_string(600)) # Should be rw-------

The permissions of a file in a Linux system are split into three sets of three permissions: # read, write, and execute for the owner, group, and others. Each of the three values can be expressed as # an octal number summing each permission, with 4 corresponding to read, 2 to write, and 1 to execute. # Or it can be written with a string using the letters r, w, and x or - when the permission is not granted. # For example: 640 is read/write for the owner, read for the group, and no permissions for the others; # converted to a string, it would be: "rw-r-----" # 755 is read/write/execute for the owner, and read/execute for group and others; converted to a string, it would be: "rwxr-xr-x" # Fill in the blanks to make the code convert a permission in octal format into a string format.