Snippets Collections
$ git commit -m "Something terribly misguided" # (0: Your Accident)
$ git reset HEAD~                              # (1)
[ edit files as necessary ]                    # (2)
$ git add .                                    # (3)
$ git commit -c ORIG_HEAD                      # (4)
<div class=" w-full h-screen p-4">

    <div class="h-14 w-full bg-slate-100 rounded-md font-semibold text-gray-800 flex items-center text-center px-2 transition-colors">
        <div class=" basis-1/3 rounded-md bg-white py-2 shadow-sm">New Items</div>
        <div class=" basis-1/3 rounded-md ">Return Items</div>
        <div class=" basis-1/3 rounded-md ">Issue Items</div>

Qtr =

	MONTH('Calendar[Date]') <=3, "Q1",
	MONTH('Calendar[Date]') <=6, "Q2",
	MONTH('Calendar[Date]') <=9, "Q3",
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{{inject 'hasMainCarousel' true}}
<section class="heroCarousel-container desktop {{#if theme_settings.carousel_banners}} heroCarousel-container--hasBanners{{/if}}">
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        <div class="heroCarousel-banners">
            {{> components/papa-supermarket/sections/section-bc-banner find="papathemesHeroCarouselBanner"}}

<!--Custome Carousal for Mobile-->
<section class="heroCarousel-container mobile {{#if theme_settings.carousel_banners}} heroCarousel-container--hasBanners{{/if}}">
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            	<!--<a href="/nanrobot-d6-e-scooter-10-2000w-52v-26ah-black/" class="heroCarousel-action button button--primary button--large mobile mobile-carousal-btns">Pre-Order Now</a>-->
                <div class="cstm-pos cstm-c2" ></div>
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            <div class="carousal-container-mbl" >
                <img src=""/>
        	    <!--<a href="/OneWheel_c_114.html" class="heroCarousel-action button button--primary button--large mobile mobile-carousal-btns">Learn More</a>-->
        	    <div class="cstm-pos cstm-c3" ></div>
            <a href="/" class="cstm-l4">
            <div class="carousal-container-mbl" >
                <img src="" />
        		<!--<a href="/SmartKick_c_127.html" class="heroCarousel-action button button--primary button--large mobile mobile-carousal-btns">Buy Now</a>-->
                <div class="cstm-pos cstm-c4" ></div>
    {{#if theme_settings.carousel_banners}}
        <div class="heroCarousel-banners">
            {{> components/papa-supermarket/sections/section-bc-banner find="papathemesHeroCarouselBanner"}}

            var i=0;
            $(".desktop .slick-track .heroCarousel-slide").each(function(index, element) {
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    r = sr.Recognizer()
    with as file_name:
      with sr.AudioFile(file_name) as source:
        audio = r.record(source)
    response = r.recognize_google(audio)
// C++ program to find LCM of two numbers 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

// Recursive function to return gcd of a and b 
long long gcd(long long int a, long long int b) 
if (b == 0) 
	return a; 
return gcd(b, a % b); 

// Function to return LCM of two numbers 
// Time Complexity: O(log(min(a,b) 
// Auxiliary Space: O(log(min(a,b))
long long lcm(int a, int b) 
	return (a / gcd(a, b)) * b; 

// Function to return LCM of two numbers  Time Complexity: O(min(a,b))
int LCM(int a, int b) 
    int greater = max(a, b); 
    int smallest = min(a, b); 
    for (int i = greater; ; i += greater) { 
        if (i % smallest  == 0) 
            return i; 

// Driver program to test above function 
int main() 
	int a = 15, b = 20; 
	cout <<"LCM of " << a << " and "
		<< b << " is " << lcm(a, b); 
	return 0; 
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define sr srand(time(0));
#define ra(l, h) (rand() % ((h)-(l)+1) + (l))
#define sync { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); }
#define ll long long int
#define vi vector<int>
#define fn(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
#define fr(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i <= b; i++)
#define rfr(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i >= b; i--)
#define pb push_back
#define all(a) a.begin(), a.end()
#define tt int test; cin >> test; while(test--)
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define en cout<< "\n"
#define cy cout << "YES" << endl
#define cn cout << "NO" << endl

int countTrailingZeros(int num) {
    int count = 0;
    while (num % 10 == 0) {
        num /= 10;
    return count;

bool isPrime(int n) {
    if (n <= 1) {
        return false;
    for (int i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
        if (n % i == 0) {
            return false;
    return true;

int main() {
    tt {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vi v(n);
        fn(n) cin >> v[i];
        int commonZeros = countTrailingZeros(v[0]);

        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int trailingZeros = countTrailingZeros(v[i]);
            commonZeros = min(commonZeros, trailingZeros);
        // cout << commonZeros << " ";
        int ans = 0;
        set<int> rem;
        for(ll k=2; k<pow(10,18); k++){
            if( isPrime(k) ) {
                k = k * pow(10, commonZeros);
                for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
                if(rem.size() == 2){
                    ans = k;
        cout << ans << endl;
    return 0;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define sr srand(time(0));
#define ra(l, h) (rand() % ((h)-(l)+1) + (l))
#define sync { ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); }
#define ll long long int
#define vi vector<int>
#define fn(n) for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
#define fr(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i <= b; i++)
#define rfr(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i >= b; i--)
#define pb push_back
#define all(a) a.begin(), a.end()
#define tt int test; cin >> test; while(test--)
#define ff first
#define ss second
#define en cout<< "\n"
#define cy cout << "YES" << endl
#define cn cout << "NO" << endl

int main() {
    tt {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vi v(n);
        fn(n) cin >> v[i];
        fn(n) cout<<v[i]<<" ";
      	cout << "\n";
    return 0;

	function getGoldPrice($apiKey,$symbol) {
    $curr = "USD";
    $date = "";

    $url = "{$symbol}/{$curr}{$date}";

    $myHeaders = array(
        'x-access-token: ' . $apiKey,
        'Content-Type: application/json'

    $curl = curl_init();

    curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
        CURLOPT_URL => $url,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $myHeaders

    $response = curl_exec($curl);
    $error = curl_error($curl);


    if ($error) {
        return 'Error: ' . $error;
    } else {
        $data = json_decode($response, true);

        // Check if the response contains a 'price' key
        if (isset($data['price'])) {
            return $data['price'];
	function fetchDataAndInsertIntoDatabase($pdo)
		$apiKey = "goldapi-xxd2ktl4miz8nf-io";
		$symbol = "XAU";
		$curr = "SAR";
		$date = "";
		$myHeaders = array(
		'x-access-token: ' . $apiKey,
		'Content-Type: application/json'

		$curl = curl_init();
		$url = "{$symbol}/{$curr}{$date}";

		curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
		CURLOPT_URL => $url,
		$response = curl_exec($curl);
		$error = curl_error($curl);

		if ($error) {
		//	echo 'Error: ' . $error;
		} else {
			$data = json_decode($response, true);
			if ($data !== null) {
				$price_gram_24k = $data['price_gram_24k'];
				$price_gram_22k = $data['price_gram_22k'];
				$price_gram_21k = $data['price_gram_21k'];
				$price_gram_20k = $data['price_gram_20k'];
				$price_gram_18k = $data['price_gram_18k'];
				$price_gram_16k = $data['price_gram_16k'];
				$price_gram_14k = $data['price_gram_14k'];
				$price_gram_10k = $data['price_gram_10k'];
				$timestamp = $data['timestamp'];
				$goldPrice = getGoldPrice($apiKey,$symbol);

				try {
					$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO gold (price_gram_24k, price_gram_22k, price_gram_21k, price_gram_20k, price_gram_18k, price_gram_16k, price_gram_14k, price_gram_10k, timestamp,price) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)");

					$stmt->execute([$price_gram_24k,$price_gram_22k, $price_gram_21k, $price_gram_20k, $price_gram_18k, $price_gram_16k,$price_gram_14k,$price_gram_10k, $timestamp,$goldPrice]);

					// echo 'Data inserted successfully!';
				} catch (PDOException $e) {
				//	echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage();
				} finally {
					$pdo = null;
			} else {
			//	echo 'Error decoding JSON';
    r = sr.Recognizer()
    with as file_name:
      with sr.AudioFile(file_name) as source:
        audio = r.record(source)
    response = r.recognize_google(audio)
function sortEvents(events) {
  //   return Object.keys(events)
  //     .sort()
  //     .reduce((sortedEvents, key) => {
  //       sortedEvents[key] = events[key];
  //       return sortedEvents;
  //     }, {});

  const sortedEvents = {};
    .forEach((key) => {
      sortedEvents[key] = events[key];
  return sortedEvents;
function add_prefix_to_prices($price) {
    // قم بتحديد الكلمة أو التاج الذي تريد إضافته
    $prefix = '<div class=div_p>ajax</div>';

    // قم بإرجاع السعر مع الكلمة أو التاج
    return $prefix . $price;

add_filter('woocommerce_get_price_html', 'add_prefix_to_prices');
add_filter('woocommerce_cart_item_price', 'add_prefix_to_prices');
add_filter('woocommerce_cart_item_subtotal', 'add_prefix_to_prices');
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                            <h1>Front-End Developer </h1>
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                                    <p>🛠️ What I bring to the table:</p>
                                        Expertise in creating robust and responsive interfaces
                                    <li>Proficiency in modern web development technologies and frameworks</li>
                                    <li>Extensive experience in translating design concepts into seamless,
                                    <li>Commitment to staying on the cutting edge of industry trends</li>
                                    <li>Strong problem-solving skills with a focus on code quality and maintainability

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                                    <h1>Netflix Clone</h1>
                                <p>HTML, CSS</p>
                        <li id="pink-box"><a href="" target="_blank"><img
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                        <li id="green-box"><img src="portfolio design/spotifyclone.png" alt="Spotify Clone">
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                                <p>HTML, CSS</p>
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                        <p class="p1"> 🚀 Cheers to creating engaging and memorable online <br> experiences!</p>
                        <p class="p2"> Let's connect! I'm always open to discussing exciting opportunities</p>
                        <p class="p3">📧 Email: <a
                        <p class="p4">📍 Location: New Delhi, India </p>
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curl -s | sudo bash
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:root {
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.fullWidth .notion-frame .notion-scroller.vertical .notion-page-content>.notion-collection_view-block .notion-scroller div.notion-table-view, .fullWidth .notion-frame .notion-scroller.vertical .notion-page-content>.notion-collection_view-block>div[style*="padding-left"],
.fullWidth .notion-frame .notion-scroller.vertical .notion-page-content>.notion-collection_view-block .notion-scroller div.notion-gallery-view{
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sudo docker container inspect  --format='{{.LogPath}}' <container-name>
sudo truncate -s 0 <path_to_log_file>
var print = Logger.log;

var webEngageLicense = '~2024b5d8';
var usersUrl = "" + webEngageLicense + "/bulk-users";
var eventsUrl = "" + webEngageLicense + "/bulk-events";

var headers = {
  "Authorization": "Bearer 426a654c-89b6-4595-af9c-fd3712af56f9",
  "Content-Type": "application/json"

/////////////////////////////////// MENU BUTTONS ///////////////////////////////////

// function onOpen() {
//   var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
//   var add_modules = ui.createMenu("USERS_DATA");
//   add_modules.addItem('TEST', 'users_to_WE_TEST').addToUi();
//   add_modules.addItem('UPSC FORM RESP', 'users_to_WE_UPSC_FORM_RESP').addToUi();
// }

/////////////////////////////////// MAP KEYS ///////////////////////////////////

function map_keys(sheetName) {
  var mapper_keys = {}
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ActiveSheet = ss.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  var lastColumn = ActiveSheet.getLastColumn()
  var headers = ActiveSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, lastColumn).getValues()[0]
  for (var k = 0; k < lastColumn; k++) {
    mapper_keys[headers[k]] = k
  return (mapper_keys)

/////////////////////////////////// CALL API ///////////////////////////////////

function callApi(targetURL, method, payload, headers) {
  var options = {
    'method': method,
    'payload': payload,
    'headers': headers
  try {
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(targetURL, options);
  } catch (e) {
    // print(e)
    return [e, 0]
  var respText = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
  var respStatus = response.getResponseCode();
  return [respText, respStatus]

///////////////////////////////////////////// GENERATE USER ID /////////////////////////////////////////////

function generateUserId(row, prefix, startCounter) {
  // var prefix = "fmp_gf_";
  // var startCounter = 198230;
  var zeros = "000000";

  var idNumber = (startCounter + row - 1).toString()
  var uniqueUserId = prefix + (zeros + idNumber).slice(-7);

  return uniqueUserId;

//////////////////////////////////////// USER FETCHING FROM RESPONSE SHEETs ////////////////////////////////////////

function fetch_users_from_sheet(sheetName) {
  var sheetConfigurations = {
    "UPSC_FORM_1": {
      url: "",
      shName: "Form Responses 1",
      startRow: 1,
      destinationSheetName: "Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_1",
      emailIdx: 1,
      phoneIdx: 3,
      nameIdx: 6,
      prefix: "fmp_upsc1_",
      startCounter: 000000,
    "UPSC_FORM_2": {
      url: "",
      shName: "google_form_leads",
      startRow: 1,
      destinationSheetName: "Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_2",
      emailIdx: 1,
      phoneIdx: 2,
      nameIdx: 0,
      prefix: "fmp_upsc2_",
      startCounter: 000000,
    "JUDI_FORM": {
      url: "",
      shName: "Sheet1",
      startRow: 1,
      destinationSheetName: "Users_to_WE JUDI_FORM",
      emailIdx: 1,
      phoneIdx: 2,
      nameIdx: 0,
      prefix: "fmp_jud1_",
      startCounter: 000000,

  var sheetConfig = sheetConfigurations[sheetName];

  var sourceSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(sheetConfig.url).getSheetByName(sheetConfig.shName);
  var lastRow = sourceSheet.getLastRow();
  var numRows = lastRow - sheetConfig.startRow + 1;
  var sourceData = sourceSheet.getRange(sheetConfig.startRow, 1, numRows, sourceSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();

  var destinationSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetConfig.destinationSheetName);
  var destinationData = destinationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  if (destinationData.length < sourceData.length) {
    var newRows = sourceData.slice(destinationData.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
      var row = destinationData.length + i + 1;
      var email = String(newRows[i][sheetConfig.emailIdx]);
      var phone = String(newRows[i][sheetConfig.phoneIdx]);
      phone = (phone.length === 10) ? "91" + phone : phone;
      var name = String(newRows[i][sheetConfig.nameIdx]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && phone != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && phone.length == 12) {
        var uniqueUserId = generateUserId(row, sheetConfig.prefix, sheetConfig.startCounter);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 1).setValue(uniqueUserId);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 2).setValue(email);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 3).setValue(phone);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 4).setValue(name);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 5).setValue("TRUE");

///////////////////////////////////////// USERS API - UPSC_FORM_1 /////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_WE_UPSC1() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_1')


  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_1');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var userList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status !== "Success" && status !== "Error" && status !== "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      var email = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['email']]);
      var mobile = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['phone']]);
      var name = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['first_name']]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && mobile != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && mobile.length == 12) {
        var user = {
          'userId': user_id,
          'email': email,
          'firstName': name,
          'phone': mobile,
          'whatsappOptIn': true,

        if (userList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "users": userList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var userList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('User Integrated');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (userList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "users": userList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed User Api');

  print("Done User Integration - UPSC_FORM_1");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS API - UPSC_FORM_1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_events_UPSC1() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_1')

  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_1');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var eventName = "UPSC_FA";

  var eventUserList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status === "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      if (user_id) {
        var eventUser = {
          "userId": user_id,
          "eventName": eventName

        if (eventUserList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var eventUserList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Success');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (eventUserList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed Event Api');

  print("Done User To Event - UPSC_FORM_1")

////////////////////////////////////////////////// USERS API - UPSC_FORM_2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_WE_UPSC2() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_2')


  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_2');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var userList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status !== "Success" && status !== "Error" && status !== "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      var email = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['email']]);
      var mobile = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['phone']]);
      var name = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['first_name']]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && mobile != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && mobile.length == 12) {
        var user = {
          'userId': user_id,
          'email': email,
          'firstName': name,
          'phone': mobile,
          'whatsappOptIn': true,

        if (userList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "users": userList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var userList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('User Integrated');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (userList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "users": userList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed User Api');

  print("Done User Integration - UPSC_FORM_2");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS API - UPSC_FORM_2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_events_UPSC2() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_2')

  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE UPSC_FORM_2');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var eventName = "UPSC_FA";

  var eventUserList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status === "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      if (user_id) {
        var eventUser = {
          "userId": user_id,
          "eventName": eventName

        if (eventUserList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var eventUserList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Success');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (eventUserList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed Event Api');

  print("Done User To Event - UPSC_FORM_2")

////////////////////////////////////////////////// USERS API - UPSC_FORM_2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_WE_JUDI() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE JUDI_FORM')


  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE JUDI_FORM');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var userList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status !== "Success" && status !== "Error" && status !== "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      var email = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['email']]);
      var mobile = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['phone']]);
      var name = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['first_name']]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && mobile != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && mobile.length == 12) {
        var user = {
          'userId': user_id,
          'email': email,
          'firstName': name,
          'phone': mobile,
          'whatsappOptIn': true,

        if (userList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "users": userList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var userList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('User Integrated');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (userList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "users": userList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed User Api');

  print("Done User Integration - JUDI_FORM");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS API - JUDI_FORM //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_events_JUDI() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE JUDI_FORM')

  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE JUDI_FORM');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var eventName = "JUDI_FA";

  var eventUserList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status === "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      if (user_id) {
        var eventUser = {
          "userId": user_id,
          "eventName": eventName

        if (eventUserList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var eventUserList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Success');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (eventUserList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed Event Api');

  print("Done User To Event - JUDI_FORM")

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TESTING ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

function fetchUserData_TEST() {
  var sourceSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("ResponseSheet TEST");
  var destinationSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Users_to_WE TEST");

  var sourceData = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var destinationData = destinationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  if (destinationData.length < sourceData.length) {
    var newRows = sourceData.slice(destinationData.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
      var row = destinationData.length + i + 1;
      var email = String(newRows[i][1]);
      var phone = String(newRows[i][2]);
      phone = (phone.length === 10) ? "91" + phone : phone;
      var name = String(newRows[i][3]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && phone != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && phone.length == 12) {
        var prefix = "test_1_"
        var startCounter = 400000
        var uniqueUserId = generateUserId(row, prefix, startCounter);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 1).setValue(uniqueUserId);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 2).setValue(email);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 3).setValue(phone);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 4).setValue(name);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 5).setValue("TRUE");
  print("Done Test Fetching!");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// USERS API - UPSC_FORM_2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_WE_TEST() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE TEST')


  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE TEST');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var userList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status !== "Success" && status !== "Error" && status !== "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      var email = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['email']]);
      var mobile = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['phone']]);
      var name = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['first_name']]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && mobile != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && mobile.length == 12) {
        var user = {
          'userId': user_id,
          'email': email,
          'firstName': name,
          'phone': mobile,
          'whatsappOptIn': true,

        if (userList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "users": userList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var userList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('User Integrated');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (userList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "users": userList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed User Api');

  print("Done User Integration - TEST");

////////////////////////////////////////////////// EVENTS API - JUDI_FORM //////////////////////////////////////////////////

function users_to_events_TEST() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE TEST')

  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE TEST');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var eventName = "Testing User Event";

  var eventUserList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var userIndexList = [];
  var errorUserList = [];

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status === "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      if (user_id) {
        var eventUser = {
          "userId": user_id,
          "eventName": eventName

        if (eventUserList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {
            errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

          var eventUserList = [];
          var userIndexList = [];
        if (idx % 50 === 0) {
          print("Delay Added: 5 Sec");
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Success');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (eventUserList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {
      errorUserList = errorUserList.concat(...userIndexList);

  if (errorUserList.length > 0) {
    for (var e in errorUserList) {
      webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(errorUserList[e]) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Failed Event Api');

  print("Done User To Event - TEST")
class Solution {
    public int longestConsecutive(int[] nums) {
            return 0;
        HashSet<Integer>set=new HashSet<Integer>();
        for(int num:nums)
        int ans=1;
        for(int num:nums)
            int count=1;
        return ans;
import os
from import storage
import openai
from openai import OpenAI
import requests
from google.oauth2 import service_account

def upload_to_google_cloud(local_file_path, bucket_name, destination_blob_name, credentials_json):
    # Initialize the Google Cloud client
    storage_client = storage.Client.from_service_account_json(credentials_json)
    bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
    blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)

    # Upload the file

    # The public URL can be used to directly access the uploaded file via HTTP
    return blob.public_url

def upload_folder(folder_path, bucket_name, credentials_json):
    urls = []
    for filename in os.listdir(folder_path):
        if filename.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')):
            local_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename)
            destination_blob_name = filename
            url = upload_to_google_cloud(local_file_path, bucket_name, destination_blob_name, credentials_json)
    return urls

def save_urls_to_file(urls, file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
        for url in urls:
            file.write(url + '\n')
    print(f"URLs saved to {file_path}")

# Example usage
folder_path = 'C:/Users/Cibe/Downloads/apartments'
credentials_json = 'C:/Users/Cibe/Google-Json/credentials.json'
bucket_name = 'monkempire-test-1'

 #Upload the folder and get URLs
#uploaded_urls = upload_folder(folder_path, bucket_name, credentials_json)

 #Save the URLs to a file
#(uploaded_urls, 'uploaded_images_urls.txt')

def read_urls_from_file(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        return [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]

client = OpenAI(api_key='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')

def generate_description(text):
        response =
                    "role": "user",
                    "content": [
                        {"type": "text", "text": "You are a real estate agent, and you want to generate a sales description of the listing based of the pictures."},
                            "type": "image_url",
                            "image_url": {
                                "url": text,
        return response.choices[0]
    except Exception as e:
            return str(e)

# Example usage
file_path = 'uploaded_image_url.txt'

# Read URLs from the file
#image_urls = read_urls_from_file(file_path)
with open('uploaded_image_url.txt', 'r') as file:
    image_urls =

# Generate and print descriptions for each image
description = generate_description(image_urls)
print(f"Description for the image:\n{description}\n")
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentInformationSystem {

    private static ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
    private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        while (true) {
            int choice = scanner.nextInt();
            scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

            switch (choice) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    System.out.println("Exiting program. Goodbye!");
                    System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");

    private static void displayMenu() {
        System.out.println("Student Information System Menu:");
        System.out.println("1. Add Student");
        System.out.println("2. View Student List");
        System.out.println("3. Search for Student");
        System.out.println("4. Exit");
        System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");

    private static void addStudent() {
        System.out.print("Enter student ID: ");
        int id = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

        System.out.print("Enter student name: ");
        String name = scanner.nextLine();

        students.add(new Student(id, name));
        System.out.println("Student added successfully!");

    private static void viewStudentList() {
        if (students.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("No students in the system yet.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Student List:");
            for (Student student : students) {
                System.out.println("ID: " + student.getId() + ", Name: " + student.getName());

    private static void searchStudent() {
        System.out.print("Enter student ID to search: ");
        int searchId = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

        boolean found = false;
        for (Student student : students) {
            if (student.getId() == searchId) {
                System.out.println("Student found: ID: " + student.getId() + ", Name: " + student.getName());
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            System.out.println("Student with ID " + searchId + " not found.");

    private static class Student {
        private int id;
        private String name;

        public Student(int id, String name) {
   = id;
   = name;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public String getName() {
            return name;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentInformationSystem {

    private static ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
    private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        while (true) {
            int choice = scanner.nextInt();
            scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

            switch (choice) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    System.out.println("Exiting program. Goodbye!");
                    System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");

    private static void displayMenu() {
        System.out.println("Student Information System Menu:");
        System.out.println("1. Add Student");
        System.out.println("2. View Student List");
        System.out.println("3. Search for Student");
        System.out.println("4. Exit");
        System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");

    private static void addStudent() {
        System.out.print("Enter student ID: ");
        int id = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

        System.out.print("Enter student name: ");
        String name = scanner.nextLine();

        students.add(new Student(id, name));
        System.out.println("Student added successfully!");

    private static void viewStudentList() {
        if (students.isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println("No students in the system yet.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Student List:");
            for (Student student : students) {
                System.out.println("ID: " + student.getId() + ", Name: " + student.getName());

    private static void searchStudent() {
        System.out.print("Enter student ID to search: ");
        int searchId = scanner.nextInt();
        scanner.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character

        boolean found = false;
        for (Student student : students) {
            if (student.getId() == searchId) {
                System.out.println("Student found: ID: " + student.getId() + ", Name: " + student.getName());
                found = true;

        if (!found) {
            System.out.println("Student with ID " + searchId + " not found.");

    private static class Student {
        private int id;
        private String name;

        public Student(int id, String name) {
   = id;
   = name;

        public int getId() {
            return id;

        public String getName() {
            return name;
//////////////////////////////// TESTING USER FETCHING FROM ANOTHER SHEET ////////////////////////////////

function fetchUserData_TEST() {
  var sourceSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("ResponseSheet TEST");
  var destinationSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Users_to_WE TEST");

  var sourceData = sourceSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var destinationData = destinationSheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  if (destinationData.length < sourceData.length) {
    var newRows = sourceData.slice(destinationData.length);
    for (var i = 0; i < newRows.length; i++) {
      var row = destinationData.length + i + 1; // 1-based index
      var email = newRows[i][1];
      var phone = newRows[i][2];
      phone = (phone.length === 10) ? "91" + phone : phone;
      var name = newRows[i][3];

      if (name && email && phone) {
        var prefix = "test1_"
        var startCounter = 300000
        var uniqueUserId = generateUserId(row, prefix, startCounter);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 1).setValue(uniqueUserId);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 2).setValue(email);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 3).setValue(phone);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 4).setValue(name);
        destinationSheet.getRange(row, 5).setValue("TRUE");
  print("Done Test Fetching!");

//////////////////////////////// TESTING USER INTEGRATING API ////////////////////////////////

function pushUsersDataToWE_TEST_USERS() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE TEST')


  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE TEST');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + webEngageApiKey,
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

  var usersUrl = webEngageUrl + "v1/accounts/" + webEngageLicense + "/bulk-users";

  var userList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status !== "Success" && status !== "Error" && status !== "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      var email = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['email']]);
      var mobile = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['phone']]);
      var name = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['first_name']]);

      if (email != "#ERROR!" && mobile != "#ERROR!" && name != "#ERROR!" && mobile.length >= 10) {
        var user = {
          'userId': user_id,
          'email': email,
          'firstName': name,
          'phone': mobile,
          'whatsappOptIn': true,

        if (userList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "users": userList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {

          var userList = [];
        if (idx % 100 === 0) {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('User Integrated');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');
  if (userList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "users": userList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(usersUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {

  print("Done Test Integration!");

//////////////////////////////// TESTING EVENT API ////////////////////////////////

function pushUsersDataToWE_TEST_EVENTS() {
  var mapper_keys = map_keys('Users_to_WE TEST')

  var webEngageSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Users_to_WE TEST');

  var StartRow = 2;
  var RowRange = webEngageSheet.getLastRow() - StartRow + 1;
  var WholeRange = webEngageSheet.getRange(StartRow, 1, RowRange, 6);
  var AllValues = WholeRange.getDisplayValues();

  var headers = {
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + webEngageApiKey,
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

  var eventUserList = [];
  var batchSize = 25;

  var eventsUrl = webEngageUrl + "v1/accounts/" + webEngageLicense + "/bulk-events";

  var eventName = "Testing User Event 2";

  for (var idx in AllValues) {
    var currentRow = AllValues[idx];
    var status = currentRow[mapper_keys['status']];

    if (status === "User Integrated") {
      var user_id = String(currentRow[mapper_keys['user_id']]);
      if (user_id) {
        var eventUser = {
          "userId": user_id,
          "eventName": eventName

        if (eventUserList.length === batchSize) {
          var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
          payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

          var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

          if (respStatus != 201) {

          var eventUserList = [];
        if (idx % 100 === 0) {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Success');
      else {
        webEngageSheet.getRange(parseInt(idx) + StartRow, mapper_keys['status'] + 1).setValue('Error');

  if (eventUserList.length > 0) {
    var payload = { "events": eventUserList }
    payload = JSON.stringify(payload);

    var [uploadResponse, respStatus] = callApi(eventsUrl, "post", payload, headers);

    if (respStatus != 201) {

  print("Done Test Event!")
export const statusSql = (alias: string) => {
     return `(select
             CASE WHEN ( ${alias}."ON_TIME_OVERRIDE" = 1) 
                  THEN 'On-time'
                  WHEN ( "spli1"."EARLIEST_FILE_SUBMISSION_DATE" < ${alias}."EXPECTED_DATE" )
                  THEN 'On-time'
                  WHEN ( ( ${alias}."NO_DATA" = 1 ) 
                         AND ( ${alias}."NO_DATA_CREATE_DATE" < ${alias}."EXPECTED_DATE"))
                  THEN 'On-time'
                  WHEN ( ${alias}."EXPECTED_DATE" > SYSTIMESTAMP)
                  THEN 'Pending'
                  ELSE 'Late'
             from SUBMISSION_PERIOD "sp1"
             left join SUBMISSION_PERIOD_LINE_ITEM_V "spli1" on 
                                                     "spli1"."SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID" = "sp1"."SID"
                                                     AND "spli1"."CUSTOMER_SID" = "sp1"."CUSTOMER_SID"
             where "sp1"."SID" = ${alias}."SID"
             AND "sp1"."CUSTOMER_SID" = ${alias}."CUSTOMER_SID")`;

export const reportedFlagSql = (alias: string) => {
     return `(select
             CASE WHEN MAX(${alias}."ON_TIME_OVERRIDE") = 1
                  THEN 1
                  WHEN MAX(${alias}."NO_DATA") = 1
                  THEN 1
                  WHEN COUNT("df"."ID") > 0
                  THEN 1
                  ELSE 0
             from SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE "ss1"
             left join DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO "dfsi" on 
                                              "dfsi"."SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID" = ${alias}."SID"
                                              AND "dfsi"."CUSTOMER_SID" = ${alias}."CUSTOMER_SID"
             left join DATA_TYPE "dt1" on "ss1"."DATA_TYPE_SID" = "dt1"."SID"
             left join DATA_FILE "df" on "dfsi"."CUSTOMER_SID" = "df"."CUSTOMER_SID"
                                 AND "dfsi"."DATA_FILE_SID" = "df"."SID"
                                 AND "df"."DATA_TYPE" = "dt1"."TYPE"  
             where "ss1"."SID" = ${alias}."SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID"
             AND "ss1"."CUSTOMER_SID" = ${alias}."CUSTOMER_SID")`

export const fileIdsSql = (alias: string) => { 
    return `(select
             listagg("df"."ID",',') within group (ORDER BY "df"."CREATE_DATE")
             from SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE "ss1"
             left join DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO "dfsi" on 
                                              "dfsi"."SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID" = ${alias}."SID"
                                              AND "dfsi"."CUSTOMER_SID" = ${alias}."CUSTOMER_SID"
             left join DATA_TYPE "dt1" on "ss1"."DATA_TYPE_SID" = "dt1"."SID"
             left join DATA_FILE "df" on "dfsi"."CUSTOMER_SID" = "df"."CUSTOMER_SID"
                                 AND "dfsi"."DATA_FILE_SID" = "df"."SID"
                                 AND "df"."DELETED" = 0
                                 AND "df"."DATA_TYPE" = "dt1"."TYPE"  
             where "ss1"."SID" = ${alias}."SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID"
             AND "ss1"."CUSTOMER_SID" = ${alias}."CUSTOMER_SID")`

export const filesCountSql = (alias: string) => {
     return `(select
          count( as number_of_files
          from SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE ss1
          left join DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO dfsi on 
                                           dfsi.SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID =  ${alias}.SID
                                           AND dfsi.CUSTOMER_SID = ${alias}.CUSTOMER_SID
          left join DATA_TYPE dt1 on ss1.DATA_TYPE_SID = dt1.SID
          left join DATA_FILE df on dfsi.CUSTOMER_SID = df.CUSTOMER_SID
                              AND dfsi.DATA_FILE_SID = df.SID
                              AND df.DELETED = 0
                              AND df.DATA_TYPE = dt1.TYPE
          where ss1.SID = ${alias}.SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID
          AND ss1.CUSTOMER_SID= ${alias}.CUSTOMER_SID)`

export const filesDataSql = (alias:string) => {
     return `(select

          from SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE ss1
          left join DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO dfsi on 
                                           dfsi.SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID = ${alias}.SID
                                           AND dfsi.CUSTOMER_SID = ${alias}.CUSTOMER_SID
          left join DATA_TYPE dt1 on ss1.DATA_TYPE_SID = dt1.SID
          left join DATA_FILE df on dfsi.CUSTOMER_SID = df.CUSTOMER_SID
                              AND dfsi.DATA_FILE_SID = df.SID
                              AND df.DELETED = 0
                              AND df.DATA_TYPE = dt1.TYPE
          where ss1.SID = ${alias}.SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID
          AND ss1.CUSTOMER_SID= ${alias}.CUSTOMER_SID
          AND IS NOT NULL)`
version: "1.0"

name: ChannelNetwork

# All actions

  - name: VIEW
  - name: UPDATE

# All resources

  # UI Resource for access to kpis tab
  - name: ProductKpiTab
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### Begin productKpi fields

  - name: ProductKpi
    group: productKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: ProductKpi/*
    group: productKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End productKpi fields

    ### Begin salesKpi fields

  - name: SalesKpi
    group: salesKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SalesKpi/*
    group: salesKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End salesKpi fields

    ### Begin inventoryKpi fields

  - name: InventoryKpi
    group: inventoryKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: InventoryKpi/*
    group: inventoryKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End inventoryKpi fields

    ### Begin filesKpi fields

  - name: FilesKpi
    group: filesKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: FilesKpi/*
    group: filesKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End filesKpi fields

    ### Begin ssKpi fields

  - name: SSKpi
    group: ssKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SSKpi/*
    group: ssKpi
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End ssKpi fields

    # UI Resource for access to Products tab
  - name: ProductTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

    ### Begin Product Fields

  - name: Product
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Product/sid
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/createDate
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/updateDate
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/customerSid
    group: product-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/sku
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/name
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/description
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/productFamily
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/productLine
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/startDate
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/endDate
    group: product
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/serialized
    group: product-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/aggregation
    group: product-pos-aggr
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/aggregation/totalSalesLineCount
    group: product-pos-aggr
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/aggregation/totalSalesQuantity
    group: product-pos-aggr
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Product/aggregation/oldestInvoiceDate
    group: product-pos-aggr
    actions: [VIEW]

    ## Begin Product Dynamic Attrs

  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/sid
    group: product-dynamicAttrs-internal
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/updateDate
    group: product-dynamicAttrs-internal
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/createDate
    group: product-dynamicAttrs-internal
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/attributeType
    group: product-dynamicAttrs-internal
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_1
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_2
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_3
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_4
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_5
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_6
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_7
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_8
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_9
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_10
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_11
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_12
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_13
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_14
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_15
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_16
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_17
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_18
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_19
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_20
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_21
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_22
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_23
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_24
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_25
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_26
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_27
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_28
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_29
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_30
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_1
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_2
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_3
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_4
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_5
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_6
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_7
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_8
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_9
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/NUM_COL_10
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Product/dynamicAttrs/DATE_COL_1
    group: product-dynamicAttrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]
    ## End Product Dynamic Attrs

    ### End Product Fields

    # UI Resource for access to POS tab
  - name: SalesTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

    ### Begin POS Fields

  - name: Sales
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Sales/sid
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/createDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/updateDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/customerSid
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/deleted
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/branchId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/invoiceNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/invoiceDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/quantity
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportedSku
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Sales/productDescription
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/transactionId
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/vendorPartNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/accountRepresentative
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/acquisitionExtendedPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/acquisitionUnitPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/boolExtendedPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/bookUnitPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/customerOrderNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/debitExtendedPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/debitUnitPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/designRegistrationNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/distributorId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/distributorName
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/distributorShipmentNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/distributorWarehouseId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/exchangeDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/exchangeRate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/globalProductClassCode
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/legacySalesRecordId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/lengthOfProduction
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/manufactureId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/manufactureName
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/manufacturerShipmentNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/orderNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/originalId
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/price
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchaseOrderNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/r2rDuplicateType
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/regionTerritory
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportEndingDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportType
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resaleExtendedPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resaeExtension
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resaleUnitPrice
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resubmitted
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportedProductFamily
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportedProductLine
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportedProductName
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipDate
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipDebitNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shippingMethod
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/spaNumber
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/tier
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/transactionType
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/unitOfMeasure
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/vendorPartDescription
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/validationCodes
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/serialNumbers
    group: sales
    actions: [VIEW]

    # Bill to address

  - name: Sales/billToAddress
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/entityName
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/street1
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/street2
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/city
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/country
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/country/name
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/billToAddressExternalId
    group: sales-bill-to
    actions: [VIEW]

    # sold to address

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/entityName
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/street1
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/street2
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/city
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/country
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/country/name
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/soldToAddressExternalId
    group: sales-sold-to
    actions: [VIEW]

    # ship to address

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/entityName
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/street1
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/street2
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/city
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/country
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/country/name
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipToAddressExternalId
    group: sales-ship-to
    actions: [VIEW]

    # sell from address

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/entityName
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/street1
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/street2
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/city
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/country
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/country/name
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/sellFromAddressExternalId
    group: sales-sell-from
    actions: [VIEW]

    # ship from address

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/entityName
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/street1
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/street2
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/city
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/country
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/country/name
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/shipFromAddressExternalId
    group: sales-ship-from
    actions: [VIEW]

    # sales in address

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/entityName
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/street1
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/street2
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/city
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/country
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/country/name
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/salesInAddressExternalId
    group: sales-sales-in
    actions: [VIEW]

    # purchasing customer address

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/entityName
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/street1
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/street2
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/city
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/country
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/country/name
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/purchasingCustomerExternalId
    group: sales-purchasing-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

    # derived end customer address

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/entityName
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/street1
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/street2
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/city
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/stateProvince
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/postalCode
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/reportedCountry
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/country
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/country/name
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/country/twoCharCode
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddress/country/threeCharCode
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/derivedEndCustomerAddressExternalId
    group: sales-derived-end-customer
    actions: [VIEW]

    # data file

  - name: Sales/dataFile
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/loadDate
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/reportDate
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/id
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/fileName
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/dataFile/recordCount
    group: sales-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

    # match info

  - name: Sales/productMatchInfo
    group: sales-product-match-info
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/productMatchInfo/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/productMatchInfo/matchedProduct
    group: sales-product-match-info
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/productMatchInfo/matchedProduct/sku
    group: sales-product-match-info
    actions: [VIEW]

    # reporting partner

  - name: Sales/reportingPartner
    group: sales-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportingPartner/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportingPartner/gsNumbers
    group: sales-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/reportingPartner/gsNumbers/value
    group: sales-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

    # currency

  - name: Sales/currency
    group: sales-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/currency/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/currency/name
    group: sales-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

    # resale currency

  - name: Sales/resaleCurrency
    group: sales-resale-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resaleCurrency/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/resaleCurrency/name
    group: sales-resale-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

    # debit currency

  - name: Sales/debtCurrency
    group: sales-debit-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/debtCurrency/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/debtCurrency/name
    group: sales-debit-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

    # book currency

  - name: Sales/bookCurrency
    group: sales-book-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/bookCurrency/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/bookCurrency/name
    group: sales-book-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

    # acquisition currency

  - name: Sales/acquisitionCurrency
    group: sales-acquisition-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/acquisitionCurrency/*
    group: sales-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Sales/acquisitionCurrency/name
    group: sales-acquisition-currency
    actions: [VIEW]

    ## Begin POS Dynamic Attrs

  - name: Sales/dynamicAttrs
    group: sales-dynamic-attrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Sales/dynamicAttrs/*
    group: sales-dynamic-attrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Sales/dynamicAttrs/STRING_COL_1
    group: sales-dynamic-attrs
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

    ## End POS Dynamic Attrs

    ### End POS Fields

    # UI Resource for access to INV tab
  - name: InventoryTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

    ### Begin INV Fields

  - name: Inventory
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Inventory/sid
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/createDate
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/updateDate
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/customerSid
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/deleted
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/productName
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/clientDescription
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/clientSku
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: Inventory/reportedSku
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inventoryDate
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitOfMeasure
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/id
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/originalId
    group: inventory
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/lineNumber
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

    # data file

  - name: Inventory/dataFile
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/loadDate
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/reportDate
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/id
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/fileName
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dataFile/recordCount
    group: inventory-data-file
    actions: [VIEW]

    # reporting partner

  - name: Inventory/reportingPartner
    group: inventory-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/reportingPartner/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/reportingPartner/gsNumbers
    group: inventory-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/reportingPartner/gsNumbers/value
    group: inventory-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

    # submission period

  - name: Inventory/submissionPeriod
    group: inventory-submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/submissionPeriod/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/submissionPeriod/expectedDate
    group: inventory-submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/submissionPeriod/periodStartDate
    group: inventory-submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/submissionPeriod/periodEndDate
    group: inventory-submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

    # quantities

  - name: Inventory/inventoryQuantities
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inventoryQuantities/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onHandQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onHandQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onHandQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onOrderQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onOrderQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/onOrderQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/committedQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/committedQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/committedQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/floatQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/floatQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/floatQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/backorderedQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/backorderedQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/backorderedQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/returnedQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/returnedQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/returnedQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inTransitQuantity
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inTransitQuantity/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inTransitQuantity/value
    group: inventory-quantity
    actions: [VIEW]

    # prices

  - name: Inventory/inventoryPrices
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/inventoryPrices/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/*
    group: inventory-internal
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/price
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/fromCurrency
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/fromCurrency/name
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/toCurrency
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/unitPrice/toCurrency/name
    group: inventory-price
    actions: [VIEW]

    ## Begin INV Dynamic Attrs

  - name: Inventory/dynamicAttrs
    group: inventory-dynamic-attrs
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Inventory/dynamicAttrs/*
    group: inventory-dynamic-attrs
    actions: [VIEW]

    ## End INV Dynamic Attrs

    ### End INV Fields

  # UI Resource for access to File Tab
  - name: FilesTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  ## Begin Partner

  - name: Partner
    group: reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: Partner/*
    group: reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  ## End Partner

  # Begin File fields
  - name: DataFile
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: DataFile/sid
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/loadDate
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/reportDate
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/fileName
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/fileType
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataType
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/id
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/fileSize
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/source
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/recordCount
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/deletedLines
    group: file-management
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/download
    group: file-download
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/validationDownload
    group: file-validation-download
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/upload
    group: file-upload
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/uploadDataTypes
    group: file-upload
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/uploadFileTypes
    group: file-upload
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/reportingPartner
    group: file-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/reportingPartner/*
    group: file-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView
    group: file-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView/*
    group: file-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataFileState
    group: file-data-file-state
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataFileState/*
    group: file-data-file-state
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataFileState/sid
    group: file-data-file-state
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataFileState/createDate
    group: file-data-file-state
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/dataFileState/updateDate
    group: file-data-file-state
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/parserAttempt
    group: file-parser-attempt
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DataFile/parserAttempt/*
    group: file-parser-attempt
    actions: [VIEW]

  # End of File fields
  # UI Resource for access to Submission Schedule
  - name: SubmissionTrackingTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionResultsTab
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  # Begin Submission Schedule 
  - name: SubmissionSchedule
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/sid
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/createDate
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/updateDate
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/name
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/reportingPartner
    group: ss-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/reportingPartner/*
    group: ss-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView
    group: ss-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView/*
    group: ss-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/dataType
    group: ss-data-type
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/dataType/*
    group: ss-data-type
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/periodRule
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/expectedDay
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/startDate
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/endDate
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/isInPeriodReporter
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/weekOfMonth
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/monthOfQuarter
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionSchedule/workingDays
    group: submission-schedule
    actions: [VIEW]

  # End Submission Schedule 

  # Begin Submission Schedule Notification
  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification/*
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification/notificationType
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification/notificationType/*
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification/serviceUser
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionScheduleNotification/serviceUser/*
    group: submission-schedule-notification
    actions: [VIEW]

  # END Submission Schedule Notification

  # Begin Submission Period
  - name: SubmissionPeriod
    group: submission-period-update
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/sid
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/expectedDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/periodStartDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/periodEndDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/createDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/updateDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noData
    group: submission-period-update
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataReason
    group: submission-period-update
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataCreateDate
    group: submission-period-update
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/onTimeOverride
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/expectedDay
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/workingDays
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/isInPeriodReporter
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/trackingLevel
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/status
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/reportedFlag
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/fileIds
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/firstFileName
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/firstFileCreateDate
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/firstFileId
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/deleted
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataServiceUser
    group: submission-period-update
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataServiceUser/sid
    group: sp-no-data-user
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataServiceUser/firstName
    group: sp-no-data-user
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataServiceUser/lastName
    group: sp-no-data-user
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/noDataServiceUser/email
    group: sp-no-data-user
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionPeriodLineItemView
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionPeriodLineItemView/*
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/dataFileSummaryInfo
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/dataFileSummaryInfo/*
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/sid
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/name
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]
  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/periodRule
    group: submission-period
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/reportingPartner
    group: sp-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/reportingPartner/*
    group: sp-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView
    group: sp-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/reportingPartner/partnerOverlayView/*
    group: sp-reporting-partner
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/dataType
    group: sp-data-type
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/submissionSchedule/dataType/*
    group: sp-data-type
    actions: [VIEW]

  # End Submission Period

  # Begin Export Request

  - name: ExportRequest
    group: export
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: ExportRequest/*
    group: export
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  # End Export Request

  ### Begin Base resources

  - name: About
    group: about
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: About/*
    group: about
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: UserEvent
    group: user-event
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: UserEvent/*
    group: user-event
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: ObjectLock
    group: object-lock
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: ObjectLock/*
    group: object-lock
    actions: [VIEW, UPDATE]

  - name: ObjectLockResponse
    group: object-lock-response
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: ObjectLockResponse/*
    group: object-lock-response
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: MutationResponse
    group: mutation-response
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: MutationResponse/*
    group: mutation-response
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DynamicAttrMetadata
    group: attr-metadata
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: DynamicAttrMetadata/*
    group: attr-metadata
    actions: [VIEW]

  ### End Base resources

  ### Begin mutation resources

  - name: Product/mutation/*
    group: product-update
    actions: [UPDATE]

  - name: Sales/mutation/*
    group: sales-update
    actions: [UPDATE]

  - name: Inventory/mutation/*
    group: inventory-update
    actions: [UPDATE]

  - name: ExportRequest/mutation/*
    group: export
    actions: [UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionPeriod/mutation/*
    group: submission-period-mutation
    actions: [UPDATE]

    ### End mutation resources

    ### Begin Customer Resources

  - name: INT
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: ACS
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: CAMB
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: CYBERDYNE
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: COR
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: INT_CCD
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: ACS_CCD
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: CAMB_CCD
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: QCOM_CCD
    actions: [VIEW]

  - name: COR_CCD
    actions: [VIEW]

    ### End Customer Resources

# Common permissions for all tenants

  - name: BasicViewUpdate
    displayName: Background Permissions
    description: Every User needs this permission
      - about:[VIEW]
      - user-event:[VIEW, UPDATE]
      - object-lock:[VIEW, UPDATE]
      - object-lock-response:[VIEW]
      - mutation-response:[VIEW]
      - attr-metadata:[VIEW]

  - name: KpiView
    displayName: KPI Tab
    description: KPI Permission Set
      - ProductKpiTab:[VIEW]

  - name: SSKpiFields
    displayName: Submission KPI Fields
    description: Submission KPI Fields Permission Set
      - ssKpi:[VIEW]

  - name: FilesKpiFields
    displayName: Files KPI Fields
    description: Files KPI Fields Permission Set
      - filesKpi:[VIEW]

  - name: FileTab
    displayName: File Tab
    description: File Permission Set
      - FilesTab:[VIEW]

  - name: FileUploadPartner
    displayName: File Upload for Partner
    description: File Upload Permission Set
      - DataFile:[VIEW, UPDATE] 
      - file-upload:[VIEW]     

  - name: FileUpload
    displayName: File Upload 
    description: File Upload Permission Set
      - DataFile:[VIEW]
      - file-upload:[VIEW]
      - reporting-partner:[VIEW]

  - name: FileDownload
    displayName: File Download
    description: File Download Permission Set
      - DataFile:[VIEW]
      - file-download:[VIEW]
      - file-validation-download:[VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionTab
    displayName: Submission Tab
    description: File Permission Set
      - SubmissionTrackingTab:[VIEW]
      - SubmissionResultsTab:[VIEW]

  - name: FileManufactureView
    displayName: File Admin View
    description: File Admin Permission Set
      - file-management:[VIEW]
      - file-reporting-partner:[VIEW]
      - file-data-file-state:[VIEW]
      - file-parser-attempt:[VIEW]

  - name: FilePartnerView
    displayName: File Partner View
    description: File Partner Permission Set
      - file-management:[VIEW]
      - file-data-file-state:[VIEW]
      - file-parser-attempt:[VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionManufactureView
    displayName: Submission Admin View
    description: Submission Full Permission Set
      - submission-schedule:[VIEW]
      - submission-schedule-notification:[VIEW]
      - ss-reporting-partner:[VIEW]
      - ss-data-type:[VIEW]
      - submission-period:[VIEW]
      - sp-reporting-partner:[VIEW]
      - sp-data-type:[VIEW]
      - sp-no-data-user:[VIEW]
      - submission-period-update:[VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPartnerView
    displayName: Submission Partner View
    description: Submission Full Permission Set
      - submission-schedule:[VIEW]
      - submission-schedule-notification:[VIEW]
      - ss-data-type:[VIEW]
      - submission-period:[VIEW]
      - sp-data-type:[VIEW]
      - sp-no-data-user:[VIEW]
      - submission-period-update:[VIEW]

  - name: SubmissionPartnerUpdate
    displayName: Submission Partner Update
    description: Submission Update Permission Set
      - submission-period-update:[UPDATE]
      - submission-period-mutation:[UPDATE]

  - name: SubmissionUpdate
    displayName: Submission Update 
    description: Submission Update Permission Set
      - submission-period-update:[UPDATE]
      - submission-period-mutation:[UPDATE]
export const SubmissionDef = `
  type Query {
      offset: Float, 
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionPeriodFilters,
      sort: SubmissionPeriodSort
    ): [SubmissionPeriod]
      offset: Float, 
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionScheduleFilters, 
      sort: SubmissionScheduleSort
    ): [SubmissionSchedule]
      submissionScheduleSid: ID,
      offset: Float,
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionScheduleNotificationFilters,
      sort: SubmissionScheduleNotificationSort
    ): [SubmissionScheduleNotification]

  type Mutation {
    markNoData(data: [NoDataInput]): [MutationResponse] @auth(object: SubmissionPeriod)

  type SubmissionPeriod {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    expectedDate: Date
    periodStartDate: Date
    periodEndDate: Date
    noData: Boolean
    noDataReason: String
    noDataCreateDate: Date
    onTimeOverride: Boolean
    expectedDay: String
    workingDays: String
    isInPeriodReporter: Float
    trackingLevel: String
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionSchedule
    status: String
    reportedFlag: Boolean
    numberOfFiles: Float
    dataFileSummaryInfo: [DataFileSummaryInfo]
    submissionPeriodInfoView: SubmissionPeriodInfoView
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemView
    noDataServiceUser: ServiceUser

  type SubmissionPeriodLineItemView {
    salesLineItemCount: Float
    invLineItemCount: Float
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: Date

  type SubmissionPeriodInfoView {
    numberOfInventoryLines: Float
    fileName: String
    fileId: Float

  type DataFileSummaryInfo{
    numberOfPOSLines: Float
    numberOfInventoryLines: Float
    receivedDate: Date
    dataFileId: String
    dataFileName: String
  type SubmissionSchedule {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    dataType: DataType    
    reportingPartner: Partner
    periodRule: String
    name: String
    startDate: Date
    endDate: Date
    expectedDay: String
    workingDays: String
    isInPeriodReporter: Boolean
    weekOfMonth: Float
    monthOfQuarter: Float

  type DataType {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    type: String

  type SubmissionScheduleNotification {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    submissionScheduleSid: ID
    notificationType: NotificationType
    serviceUser: ServiceUser

  enum NotificationType {

  input SubmissionPeriodFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    expectedDate: DateFilter
    periodStartDate: DateFilter
    periodEndDate: DateFilter
    noDataCreateDate: DateFilter
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionScheduleFilters
    status: StringFilter
    reportedFlag: BooleanFilter
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewFilter
    dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfoFilter
    numberOfFiles: NumberFilter
  input SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewFilter {
    salesLineItemCount: NumberFilter
    invLineItemCount: NumberFilter
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: DateFilter

  input DataFileSummaryInfoFilter{
    numberOfPOSLines: NumberFilter
    numberOfInventoryLines: NumberFilter
    submissionPeriodSid: NumberFilter
    dataFileSid: NumberFilter
    receivedDate: DateFilter
    fileCreateDate: DateFilter

  input SubmissionScheduleFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    reportingPartner: PartnerFilter
    name: StringFilter
    dataType: DataTypeFilter
    periodRule: StringFilter
    expectedDay: StringFilter
    workingDays: StringFilter
    startDate: DateFilter
    endDate: DateFilter
    isInPeriodReporter: BooleanFilter
    weekOfMonth: NumberFilter
    monthOfQuarter: NumberFilter

  input DataTypeFilter {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    type: StringFilter

  input SubmissionScheduleNotificationFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    submissionScheduleSid: IDFilter
    notificationType: StringFilter
    serviceUser: ServiceUserFilters

  input SubmissionPeriodSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    expectedDate: SortOption
    periodStartDate: SortOption
    periodEndDate: SortOption
    noDataCreateDate: SortOption
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionScheduleSort
    status: SortOption
    reportedFlag: SortOption
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewSort
    dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfoSort
    numberOfFiles: SortOption
  input SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewSort {
    salesLineItemCount: SortOption
    invLineItemCount: SortOption
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: SortOption

  input DataFileSummaryInfoSort{
    numberOfPOSLines: SortOption
    numberOfInventoryLines: SortOption
    submissionPeriodSid: SortOption
    dataFileSid: SortOption
    receivedDate: SortOption
    fileCreateDate: SortOption

  input SubmissionScheduleSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    customerSid: SortOption
    dataType: DataTypeSort
    reportingPartner: PartnerSort
    periodRule: SortOption
    name: SortOption
    startDate: SortOption
    endDate: SortOption
    expectedDay: SortOption
    workingDays: SortOption
    isInPeriodReporter: SortOption
    weekOfMonth: SortOption
    monthOfQuarter: SortOption

  input DataTypeSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    type: SortOption

  input SubmissionScheduleNotificationSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    notificationType: SortOption
    serviceUser: ServiceUserSort

  input NoDataInput {
    sid: ID!
    noDataReason: String
import { Entity, Column, JoinColumn, OneToOne, VirtualColumn, OneToMany } from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodLineItemView';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodSql';
import {
} from './SubmissionSchedule';
import { ServiceUser, returnsServiceUser } from '../user/ServiceUser';
import { DataFileSummaryInfo } from '../datafile/DataFileSummaryInfo';

export const returnsDataFileSummaryInfo = () => DataFileSummaryInfo;

export const dataFileSummaryInfoInverseSide = (dataFileSummaryInfo) =>

export const returnsSubmissionPeriod = () => SubmissionPeriod;

@Entity({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD' })
export class SubmissionPeriod extends CustomerDomainEntity {
  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DATE' })
  expectedDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_START_DATE' })
  periodStartDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_END_DATE' })
  periodEndDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID', select: false })
  submissionScheduleSid: number;

  @Column({ name: 'ON_TIME_OVERRIDE' })
  onTimeOverride: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA' })
  noData: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_REASON' })
  noDataReason: string;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_CREATE_DATE' })
  noDataCreateDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID', select: false })
  noDataServiceUserSid: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID' })
  noDataServiceUser: Promise<ServiceUser>;

  @Column({ name: 'TRACKING_LEVEL' })
  trackingLevel: string;

  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DAY' })
  expectedDay: number;

  @Column({ name: 'WORKING_DAYS' })
  workingDays: string;

  @Column({ name: 'IS_IN_PERIOD_REPORTER' })
  isInPeriodReporter: number;

  @Column({ name: 'DELETED' })
  deleted: boolean;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID' })
  submissionSchedule?: Promise<SubmissionSchedule>;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: statusSql })
  status?: string;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: reportedFlagSql })
  reportedFlag: boolean;

  @VirtualColumn( {query : filesCountSql} )
  numberOfFiles?: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  dataFileSummaryInfo?: Promise<DataFileSummaryInfo[]>;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  submissionPeriodLineItemView?: Promise<SubmissionPeriodLineItemView>;

export const getDataFileIdSql = (alias: string) => {
    return `SELECT FROM DATA_FILE df WHERE df.SID = ${alias}.DATA_FILE_SID`;

export const getDataFileNameSql = (alias: string) => {
    return `SELECT df.file_name FROM DATA_FILE df WHERE df.SID = ${alias}.DATA_FILE_SID`;
import { Inject, Service } from 'typedi';
import { DomainEntityService } from '../base/DomainEntityService';
import { DataFileSummaryInfo } from './DataFileSummaryInfo';
import { CustomerService } from '../customer/CustomerService';
import { SubmissionPeriodService } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriodService';

export class DataFileSummaryInfoService extends DomainEntityService<DataFileSummaryInfo> {
  protected customerService: CustomerService;

  protected submissionPeriodService: SubmissionPeriodService;

  constructor() {

  getServiceName() {
    return 'DataFileSummaryInfo';

  async createDataFileSummaryInfo(
    custId: string,
    submissionPeriodSid: number,
    dataFileSid: number,
    numberOfPOSLines: number,
    numberOfInventoryLines: number
  ) {
    const cust = await this.customerService.findOneById(custId);

    await this.create({
      customerSid: cust.sid,
      submissionPeriodSid: submissionPeriodSid,
      dataFileSid: dataFileSid,
      numberOfPOSLines: numberOfPOSLines,
      numberOfInventoryLines: numberOfInventoryLines,
import { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, JoinColumn, VirtualColumn} from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import { SubmissionPeriod } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import { getDataFileIdSql, getDataFileNameSql } from './DataFileSummaryInfoSql';

export const returnsSubmissionPeriods = () => SubmissionPeriod;
export const returnsSummaryInfo = (submissionPeriod) => submissionPeriod.dataFileSummaryInfo;

@Entity({ name: 'DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO' })
export class DataFileSummaryInfo extends CustomerDomainEntity {

    @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', referencedColumnName:'sid'})
    submissionPeriod: SubmissionPeriod;

    dataFileSid: number;

    @Column({name: 'CUSTOMER_SID'})
    customerSid: number;

    numberOfPOSLines: number;

    numberOfInventoryLines: number;

    @Column({name: 'CREATE_DATE'})
    receivedDate: Date;
    @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', nullable: true })
    submissionPeriodSid: number;

    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileIdSql})
    dataFileId?: string;
    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileNameSql})
    dataFileName?: string;

import { Customer } from './customer/Customer';
import { Partner } from './partner/Partner';
import { Product } from './product/Product';
import { DynamicAttrs } from './attribute/DynamicAttrs';
import { DynamicAttrMetadata } from './attribute/DynamicAttrMetadata';
import { Sales } from './sales/Sales';
import { Address } from './address/Address';
import { Currency } from './base/Currency';
import { DataFile } from './datafile/DataFile';
import { Country } from './address/Country';
import { SalesMatchInfo } from './sales/SalesMatchInfo';
import { ProductAggr } from './product/ProductAggr';
import { GsNumber } from './partner/GsNumber';
import { Inventory } from './inventory/Inventory';
import { SubmissionPeriod } from './submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import { InventoryQuantity } from './inventory/InventoryQuantity';
import { QuantityType } from './inventory/QuantityType';
import { InventoryPrice } from './inventory/InventoryPrice';
import { UserEvent } from './event/UserEvent';
import { UserSession } from './event/UserSession';
import { DataFileState } from './datafile/DataFileState';
import { ParserAttempt } from './datafile/ParserAttempt';
import { PartnerOverlayView } from './partner/PartnerOverlayView';
import { DataState } from './base/DataState';
import { SubmissionSchedule } from './submission/SubmissionSchedule';
import { DataType } from './base/DataType';
import { SubmissionPeriodLineItemView } from './submission/SubmissionPeriodLineItemView';
import { SubmissionScheduleNotification } from './submission/SubmissionScheduleNotification';
import { ServiceUser } from './user/ServiceUser';
import { AuditEvent } from './event/AuditEvent';
import { SubmissionScheduleAudit } from './submission/SubmissionScheduleAudit';
import { AuditType } from './event/AuditType';
import { DataFileSummaryInfo } from './datafile/DataFileSummaryInfo';
import { SubmissionPeriodInfoView } from './submission/SubmissionPeriodInfoView';

export const entities = [
/* Import Google font - Poppins */
@import url(';500;600&display=swap');

/* Global styles */
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body {
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/* Chatbot toggler button */
.chatbot-toggler {
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  transition: all 0.2s ease;
} .chatbot-toggler {
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.chatbot-toggler span {
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.chatbot-toggler span:last-child, .chatbot-toggler span:first-child  {
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} .chatbot-toggler span:last-child {
  opacity: 1;

/* Chatbot container */
.chatbot {
  position: fixed;
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  width: 420px;
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  transition: all 0.1s ease;
} .chatbot {
  opacity: 1;
  pointer-events: auto;
  transform: scale(1);

/* Chatbot header */
.chatbot header {
  padding: 16px 0;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  color: #fff;
  background: #724ae8;
  box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

header h2 {
  font-size: 1.4rem;

.chatbot header span {
  position: absolute;
  right: 15px;
  top: 50%;
  display: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

/* Chatbox styles */
.chatbot .chatbox {
  overflow-y: auto;
  height: 510px;
  padding: 30px 20px 100px;

/* Scrollbar styles */
.chatbot :where(.chatbox, textarea)::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 6px;

.chatbot :where(.chatbox, textarea)::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 25px;

.chatbot :where(.chatbox, textarea)::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background: #ccc;
  border-radius: 25px;

/* Chat message styles */
.chatbox .chat {
  display: flex;
  list-style: none;

.chatbox .outgoing {
  margin: 20px 0;
  justify-content: flex-end;

.chatbox .incoming span {
  width: 32px;
  height: 32px;
  color: #fff;
  cursor: default;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 32px;
  align-self: flex-end;
  background: #724ae8;
  border-radius: 4px;
  margin: 0 10px 7px 0;

.chatbox .chat p {
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  padding: 12px 16px;
  border-radius: 10px 10px 0 10px;
  max-width: 75%;
  color: #fff;
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  background: #724ae8;

.chatbox .incoming p {
  border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 0;

.chatbox .chat p.error {
  color: #721c24;
  background: #f8d7da;

.chatbox .incoming p {
  color: #000;
  background: #f2f2f2;

/* Chat input styles */
.chatbot .chat-input {
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  gap: 5px;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  background: #fff;
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.chat-input textarea {
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.chat-input span {
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  display: flex;
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.chat-input textarea:valid ~ span {
  visibility: visible;

/* Responsive styles for smaller screens */
@media (max-width: 490px) {
  .chatbot-toggler {
    right: 20px;
    bottom: 20px;

  .chatbot {
    right: 0;
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    border-radius: 0;
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  .chatbot .chatbox {
    height: 90%;
    padding: 25px 15px 100px;

  .chatbot .chat-input {
    padding: 5px 15px;

  .chatbot header span {
    display: block;
const chatbotToggler = document.querySelector(".chatbot-toggler");
const closeBtn = document.querySelector(".close-btn");
const chatbox = document.querySelector(".chatbox");
const chatInput = document.querySelector(".chat-input textarea");
const sendChatBtn = document.querySelector(".chat-input span");

let userMessage = null; // Variable to store user's message
const API_KEY = "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"; // Paste your API key here
const inputInitHeight = chatInput.scrollHeight;

const createChatLi = (message, className) => {
    // Create a chat <li> element with passed message and className
    const chatLi = document.createElement("li");
    chatLi.classList.add("chat", `${className}`);
    let chatContent = className === "outgoing" ? `<p></p>` : `<span class="material-symbols-outlined">smart_toy</span><p></p>`;
    chatLi.innerHTML = chatContent;
    chatLi.querySelector("p").textContent = message;
    return chatLi; // return chat <li> element

const generateResponse = (chatElement) => {
    const API_URL = "";
    const messageElement = chatElement.querySelector("p");

    // Define the properties and message for the API request
    const requestOptions = {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Authorization": `Bearer ${API_KEY}`
        body: JSON.stringify({
            model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",
            messages: [{role: "user", content: userMessage}],

    // Send POST request to API, get response and set the reponse as paragraph text
    fetch(API_URL, requestOptions).then(res => res.json()).then(data => {
        messageElement.textContent = data.choices[0].message.content.trim();
    }).catch(() => {
        messageElement.textContent = "Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again.";
    }).finally(() => chatbox.scrollTo(0, chatbox.scrollHeight));

const handleChat = () => {
    userMessage = chatInput.value.trim(); // Get user entered message and remove extra whitespace
    if(!userMessage) return;

    // Clear the input textarea and set its height to default
    chatInput.value = ""; = `${inputInitHeight}px`;

    // Append the user's message to the chatbox
    chatbox.appendChild(createChatLi(userMessage, "outgoing"));
    chatbox.scrollTo(0, chatbox.scrollHeight);
    setTimeout(() => {
        // Display "Thinking..." message while waiting for the response
        const incomingChatLi = createChatLi("Thinking...", "incoming");
        chatbox.scrollTo(0, chatbox.scrollHeight);
    }, 600);

chatInput.addEventListener("input", () => {
    // Adjust the height of the input textarea based on its content = `${inputInitHeight}px`; = `${chatInput.scrollHeight}px`;

chatInput.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
    // If Enter key is pressed without Shift key and the window 
    // width is greater than 800px, handle the chat
    if(e.key === "Enter" && !e.shiftKey && window.innerWidth > 800) {

sendChatBtn.addEventListener("click", handleChat);
closeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => document.body.classList.remove("show-chatbot"));
chatbotToggler.addEventListener("click", () => document.body.classList.toggle("show-chatbot"));
export const SubmissionDef = `
  type Query {
      offset: Float, 
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionPeriodFilters,
      sort: SubmissionPeriodSort
    ): [SubmissionPeriod]
      offset: Float, 
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionScheduleFilters, 
      sort: SubmissionScheduleSort
    ): [SubmissionSchedule]
      submissionScheduleSid: ID,
      offset: Float,
      limit: Float,
      filters: SubmissionScheduleNotificationFilters,
      sort: SubmissionScheduleNotificationSort
    ): [SubmissionScheduleNotification]

  type Mutation {
    markNoData(data: [NoDataInput]): [MutationResponse] @auth(object: SubmissionPeriod)

  type SubmissionPeriod {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    expectedDate: Date
    periodStartDate: Date
    periodEndDate: Date
    noData: Boolean
    noDataReason: String
    noDataCreateDate: Date
    onTimeOverride: Boolean
    expectedDay: String
    workingDays: String
    isInPeriodReporter: Float
    trackingLevel: String
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionSchedule
    status: String
    reportedFlag: Boolean
    numberOfFiles: Float
    dataFileSummaryInfo: [DataFileSummaryInfo]
    submissionPeriodInfoView: SubmissionPeriodInfoView
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemView
    noDataServiceUser: ServiceUser

  type SubmissionPeriodLineItemView {
    salesLineItemCount: Float
    invLineItemCount: Float
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: Date

  type SubmissionPeriodInfoView {
    numberOfInventoryLines: Float
    fileName: String
    fileId: Float

  type DataFileSummaryInfo{
    numberOfPOSLines: Float
    numberOfInventoryLines: Float
    submissionPeriodSid: Float
    dataFileSid: Float
    receivedDate: Date
    fileCreateDate: Date
    dataFileId: String
    dataFileName: String
  type SubmissionSchedule {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    dataType: DataType    
    reportingPartner: Partner
    periodRule: String
    name: String
    startDate: Date
    endDate: Date
    expectedDay: String
    workingDays: String
    isInPeriodReporter: Boolean
    weekOfMonth: Float
    monthOfQuarter: Float

  type DataType {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    type: String

  type SubmissionScheduleNotification {
    sid: ID
    createDate: Date
    updateDate: Date
    customerSid: ID
    submissionScheduleSid: ID
    notificationType: NotificationType
    serviceUser: ServiceUser

  enum NotificationType {

  input SubmissionPeriodFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    expectedDate: DateFilter
    periodStartDate: DateFilter
    periodEndDate: DateFilter
    noDataCreateDate: DateFilter
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionScheduleFilters
    status: StringFilter
    reportedFlag: BooleanFilter
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewFilter
    dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfoFilter
    numberOfFiles: NumberFilter
  input SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewFilter {
    salesLineItemCount: NumberFilter
    invLineItemCount: NumberFilter
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: DateFilter

  input DataFileSummaryInfoFilter{
    numberOfPOSLines: NumberFilter
    numberOfInventoryLines: NumberFilter
    submissionPeriodSid: NumberFilter
    dataFileSid: NumberFilter
    receivedDate: DateFilter
    fileCreateDate: DateFilter

  input SubmissionScheduleFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    reportingPartner: PartnerFilter
    name: StringFilter
    dataType: DataTypeFilter
    periodRule: StringFilter
    expectedDay: StringFilter
    workingDays: StringFilter
    startDate: DateFilter
    endDate: DateFilter
    isInPeriodReporter: BooleanFilter
    weekOfMonth: NumberFilter
    monthOfQuarter: NumberFilter

  input DataTypeFilter {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    type: StringFilter

  input SubmissionScheduleNotificationFilters {
    sid: IDFilter
    createDate: DateFilter
    updateDate: DateFilter
    customerSid: IDFilter
    submissionScheduleSid: IDFilter
    notificationType: StringFilter
    serviceUser: ServiceUserFilters

  input SubmissionPeriodSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    expectedDate: SortOption
    periodStartDate: SortOption
    periodEndDate: SortOption
    noDataCreateDate: SortOption
    submissionSchedule: SubmissionScheduleSort
    status: SortOption
    reportedFlag: SortOption
    submissionPeriodLineItemView: SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewSort
    dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfoSort
    numberOfFiles: SortOption
  input SubmissionPeriodLineItemViewSort {
    salesLineItemCount: SortOption
    invLineItemCount: SortOption
    earliestFileSubmissionDate: SortOption

  input DataFileSummaryInfoSort{
    numberOfPOSLines: SortOption
    numberOfInventoryLines: SortOption
    submissionPeriodSid: SortOption
    dataFileSid: SortOption
    receivedDate: SortOption
    fileCreateDate: SortOption

  input SubmissionScheduleSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    customerSid: SortOption
    dataType: DataTypeSort
    reportingPartner: PartnerSort
    periodRule: SortOption
    name: SortOption
    startDate: SortOption
    endDate: SortOption
    expectedDay: SortOption
    workingDays: SortOption
    isInPeriodReporter: SortOption
    weekOfMonth: SortOption
    monthOfQuarter: SortOption

  input DataTypeSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    type: SortOption

  input SubmissionScheduleNotificationSort {
    sid: SortOption
    createDate: SortOption
    updateDate: SortOption
    notificationType: SortOption
    serviceUser: ServiceUserSort

  input NoDataInput {
    sid: ID!
    noDataReason: String
import { Entity, Column, JoinColumn, OneToOne, VirtualColumn, OneToMany, ManyToMany, ManyToOne } from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodLineItemView';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodSql';
import {
} from './SubmissionSchedule';
import { ServiceUser, returnsServiceUser } from '../user/ServiceUser';
import { DataFileSummaryInfo, returnsSummaryInfo } from '../datafile/DataFileSummaryInfo';
import { SubmissionPeriodInfoView } from './SubmissionPeriodInfoView';

export const returnsDataFileSummaryInfo = () => DataFileSummaryInfo;

export const dataFileSummaryInfoInverseSide = (dataFileSummaryInfo) =>

export const returnsSubmissionPeriod = () => SubmissionPeriod;

@Entity({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD' })
export class SubmissionPeriod extends CustomerDomainEntity {
  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DATE' })
  expectedDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_START_DATE' })
  periodStartDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_END_DATE' })
  periodEndDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID', select: false })
  submissionScheduleSid: number;

  @Column({ name: 'ON_TIME_OVERRIDE' })
  onTimeOverride: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA' })
  noData: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_REASON' })
  noDataReason: string;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_CREATE_DATE' })
  noDataCreateDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID', select: false })
  noDataServiceUserSid: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID' })
  noDataServiceUser: Promise<ServiceUser>;

  @Column({ name: 'TRACKING_LEVEL' })
  trackingLevel: string;

  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DAY' })
  expectedDay: number;

  @Column({ name: 'WORKING_DAYS' })
  workingDays: string;

  @Column({ name: 'IS_IN_PERIOD_REPORTER' })
  isInPeriodReporter: number;

  @Column({ name: 'DELETED' })
  deleted: boolean;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID' })
  submissionSchedule?: Promise<SubmissionSchedule>;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: statusSql })
  status?: string;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: reportedFlagSql })
  reportedFlag: boolean;

  // @VirtualColumn( {query : fileIdsSql} )
  // fileIds?: string;

  // firstFileId?: string;

  // firstFileName?: string;

  // firstFileCreateDate?: Date;

  @VirtualColumn( {query : filesCountSql} )
  numberOfFiles?: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  submissionPeriodInfoView?: Promise<SubmissionPeriodInfoView>;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  dataFileSummaryInfo?: Promise<DataFileSummaryInfo[]>;

  // this is the aggregation that matches the reporting partner
  // dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfo;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  submissionPeriodLineItemView?: Promise<SubmissionPeriodLineItemView>;

import { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, JoinColumn, OneToMany, VirtualColumn} from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import { returnsSubmissionPeriod } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import { SubmissionPeriod } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import {getDataFileIdSql, getDataFileNameSql} from './DataFileSummaryInfoSql';

export const returnsSubmissionPeriods = () => SubmissionPeriod;
export const returnsSummaryInfo = (submissionPeriod) => submissionPeriod.dataFileSummaryInfo;

@Entity({ name: 'DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO' })
export class DataFileSummaryInfo extends CustomerDomainEntity {

    @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', referencedColumnName:'sid'})
    submissionPeriod: SubmissionPeriod;

    // @ManyToOne(returnsUserSession)
    // @JoinColumn({ name: 'USER_SESSION_SID' })
    // userSession?: Promise<UserSession>;

    dataFileSid: number;

    @Column({name: 'CUSTOMER_SID'})
    customerSid: number;

    numberOfPOSLines: number;

    numberOfInventoryLines: number;

    @Column({name: 'CREATE_DATE'})
    receivedDate: Date;
    // specifying that submissionPeriodSid can be null
    @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', nullable: true })
    submissionPeriodSid: number;

    // VirtualColumn to get DataFile information
    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileIdSql})
    dataFileId?: string;

    // VirtualColumn to get DataFile information
    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileNameSql})
    dataFileName?: string;

    // @VirtualColumn( {query : fileIdSql} )
    // fileId?: number[];

    // @VirtualColumn( {query : filesCountSql} )
    // numberOfFiles?: number;

function prefix_add_footer_styles() {
	wp_enqueue_style( 'child-main-styles', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css' , '', '');
add_action( 'get_footer', 'prefix_add_footer_styles' );
I wonder why people choose on-demand applications over traditional business models. With the fact that the market value of the On Demand Services app is predicted to expand by $335 Billion by 2025. It is secure enough to say that the economy of on-demand is drastically enlarging at a rapid pace. 

Here let’s see the popular industries that leverage the On-demand applications.

Food Delivery
E-commerce & Retail

When it comes to developing an on-demand application for your business, Maticz provides you the cutting-edge solutions with their On-demand app development. Their team of proficient developers and designers is equipped with the knowledge and talents that are required to develop an innovative and user-friendly app that will assist you in reaching your desired goals. By hiring on-demand app developers in India you can develop an application that provides convenience, saves your precious time, is cost-effective, offers more opportunities, is eco-friendly, and is user-friendly. 
import { Entity, Column, JoinColumn, OneToOne, VirtualColumn, OneToMany, ManyToMany, ManyToOne } from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodLineItemView';
import {
} from './SubmissionPeriodSql';
import {
} from './SubmissionSchedule';
import { ServiceUser, returnsServiceUser } from '../user/ServiceUser';
import { DataFileSummaryInfo, returnsSummaryInfo } from '../datafile/DataFileSummaryInfo';
import { SubmissionPeriodInfoView } from './SubmissionPeriodInfoView';

export const returnsDataFileSummaryInfo = () => DataFileSummaryInfo;

export const dataFileSummaryInfoInverseSide = (dataFileSummaryInfo) =>

export const returnsSubmissionPeriod = () => SubmissionPeriod;

@Entity({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD' })
export class SubmissionPeriod extends CustomerDomainEntity {
  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DATE' })
  expectedDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_START_DATE' })
  periodStartDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'PERIOD_END_DATE' })
  periodEndDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID', select: false })
  submissionScheduleSid: number;

  @Column({ name: 'ON_TIME_OVERRIDE' })
  onTimeOverride: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA' })
  noData: boolean;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_REASON' })
  noDataReason: string;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_CREATE_DATE' })
  noDataCreateDate: Date;

  @Column({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID', select: false })
  noDataServiceUserSid: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'NO_DATA_SERVICE_USER_SID' })
  noDataServiceUser: Promise<ServiceUser>;

  @Column({ name: 'TRACKING_LEVEL' })
  trackingLevel: string;

  @Column({ name: 'EXPECTED_DAY' })
  expectedDay: number;

  @Column({ name: 'WORKING_DAYS' })
  workingDays: string;

  @Column({ name: 'IS_IN_PERIOD_REPORTER' })
  isInPeriodReporter: number;

  @Column({ name: 'DELETED' })
  deleted: boolean;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_SCHEDULE_SID' })
  submissionSchedule?: Promise<SubmissionSchedule>;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: statusSql })
  status?: string;

  @VirtualColumn({ query: reportedFlagSql })
  reportedFlag: boolean;

  // @VirtualColumn( {query : fileIdsSql} )
  // fileIds?: string;

  // firstFileId?: string;

  // firstFileName?: string;

  // firstFileCreateDate?: Date;

  @VirtualColumn( {query : filesCountSql} )
  numberOfFiles?: number;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  submissionPeriodInfoView?: Promise<SubmissionPeriodInfoView>;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  dataFileSummaryInfo: Promise<DataFileSummaryInfo[]>;

  // this is the aggregation that matches the reporting partner
  // dataFileSummaryInfo: DataFileSummaryInfo;

  @JoinColumn({ name: 'SID', referencedColumnName: 'submissionPeriodSid' })
  submissionPeriodLineItemView?: Promise<SubmissionPeriodLineItemView>;

import { Entity, Column, ManyToOne, JoinColumn, OneToMany, VirtualColumn} from 'typeorm';
import { CustomerDomainEntity } from '../base/CustomerDomainEntity';
import { returnsSubmissionPeriod } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import { SubmissionPeriod } from '../submission/SubmissionPeriod';
import {getDataFileIdSql, getDataFileNameSql} from './DataFileSummaryInfoSql';

export const returnsSubmissionPeriods = () => SubmissionPeriod;
export const returnsSummaryInfo = (submissionPeriod) => submissionPeriod.dataFileSummaryInfo;

@Entity({ name: 'DATA_FILE_SUMMARY_INFO' })
export class DataFileSummaryInfo extends CustomerDomainEntity {

    @JoinColumn({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', referencedColumnName:'sid'})
    submissionPeriod: SubmissionPeriod;

    // @ManyToOne(returnsUserSession)
    // @JoinColumn({ name: 'USER_SESSION_SID' })
    // userSession?: Promise<UserSession>;

    dataFileSid: number;

    @Column({name: 'CUSTOMER_SID'})
    customerSid: number;

    numberOfPOSLines: number;

    numberOfInventoryLines: number;

    @Column({name: 'CREATE_DATE'})
    receivedDate: Date;
    // specifying that submissionPeriodSid can be null
    @Column({ name: 'SUBMISSION_PERIOD_SID', nullable: true })
    submissionPeriodSid: number;

    // VirtualColumn to get DataFile information
    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileIdSql})
    dataFileId?: string;

    // VirtualColumn to get DataFile information
    @VirtualColumn({ query: getDataFileNameSql})
    dataFileName?: string;

    // @VirtualColumn( {query : fileIdSql} )
    // fileId?: number[];

    // @VirtualColumn( {query : filesCountSql} )
    // numberOfFiles?: number;

from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Security, status
from import APIKeyHeader

api_keys = [

app = FastAPI()

api_key_header = APIKeyHeader(name="X-API-Key")

def get_api_key(api_key_header: str = Security(api_key_header)) -> str:
    if api_key_header in api_keys:
        return api_key_header
    raise HTTPException(
        detail="Invalid or missing API Key",

def protected_route(api_key: str = Security(get_api_key)):
    # Process the request for authenticated users
    return {"message": "Access granted!"}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn, host="", port=8000)

wget https://blah/blah/stats --header="X-API-Key: key1"
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
import io
import pandas as pd

app = FastAPI()

async def get_csv():
    df = pd.DataFrame(dict(col1 = 1, col2 = 2), index=[0])
    stream = io.StringIO()
    df.to_csv(stream, index = False)
    response = StreamingResponse(iter([stream.getvalue()]),
    response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=export.csv"
    return response

Sun Dec 24 2023 16:45:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@hirsch #bash


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@akilavikum #html #tailwindcss


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Sat Dec 23 2023 14:33:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@Paloma #vue.js #js


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@mebean #بهار #جو #لد


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Sat Dec 23 2023 01:40:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@K #json/5


Sat Dec 23 2023 00:05:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@leninzapata #css


Fri Dec 22 2023 23:18:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



Fri Dec 22 2023 16:50:58 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



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@darshcode #excel


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Fri Dec 22 2023 15:22:59 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@Fahrine #java


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@Fahrine #java


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@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 12:01:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


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@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 11:51:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



Fri Dec 22 2023 11:49:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



Fri Dec 22 2023 11:24:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 11:23:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 11:23:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 10:27:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)



Fri Dec 22 2023 10:10:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@jamielucas #drupal


Fri Dec 22 2023 10:09:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 10:09:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@thanuj #sql


Fri Dec 22 2023 09:37:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@quaie #python #fastapi


Fri Dec 22 2023 09:11:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

@quaie #python #fastapi #pandas

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