

Mon Nov 15 2021 10:49:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Saved by @IsabellaLM #vba

Option Explicit

Sub q4()

 Dim q4a(1 To 25, 1 To 25) As Double
 Dim col As Integer, row As Integer
 For col = 1 To 25
 For row = 1 To 25
    q4a(row, col) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(100, 1000)
 Next row
 Next col
 range("B2").Resize(25, 25) = q4a

End Sub

Function exammax(bigrange As range) As String

Dim cell As range, maxval As Double

Set bigrange = range("B2:Z26")
maxval = range("B2")

For Each cell In bigrange
 If cell >= maxval Then maxval = cell
Next cell

exammax = maxval

End Function

Function exammin(bigrange As range) As String

Dim cell As range, minval As Double

Set bigrange = range("B2:Z26")
minval = range("B2")

For Each cell In bigrange
 If cell <= minval Then minval = cell
Next cell

exammin = minval

End Function

Sub sortino()

Dim bigrange As range, cell As range, counter As Integer, cellmean As Double

Set bigrange = range("B2:Z26")
cellmean = WorksheetFunction.Average(bigrange)
counter = 2

For Each cell In bigrange
    If cell <= cellmean Then
    Cells(28, counter) = cellmean - cell
    counter = counter + 1
    End If
    Next cell

range("A31") = "sortino ratio"
range("B31") = WorksheetFunction.Average(range(Cells(28, 2), Cells(28, counter)))

End Sub
